How to count in Tehuelche (Patagón), a Chonan language spoken in Tierra del Fuego in Chile.
If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Numeral | Cardinal |
1 | čočeʔ |
2 | xawke, xa:uke (m) xaone, xa:one (f), waʔme |
3 | qa:š (m), qa:šn (f) |
4 | qa:ge |
5 | qt’en |
6 | wenaqa:š |
7 | qo:ke |
8 | po:š |
9 | xamaqt’en |
10 | oqaken |
11 | čoče-kawr |
12 | waʔme-kawr |
13 | qa:š-kawr |
14 | qa:ge-kawr |
15 | qt’en-kawr |
16 | wenaqa:š-kawr |
17 | qo:ke-kawr |
18 | po:š-kawr |
19 | xamaqt’en-kawr |
20 | waʔm-on oqaken |
21 | waʔm-on oqaken čoče-kawr |
22 | waʔm-on oqaken waʔme-kawr |
23 | waʔm-on oqaken qa:š-kawr |
24 | waʔm-on oqaken qa:ge-kawr |
25 | waʔm-on oqaken qt’en-kawr |
26 | waʔm-on oqaken wenaqa:š-kawr |
27 | waʔm-on oqaken qo:ke-kawr |
28 | waʔm-on oqaken po:š-kawr |
29 | waʔm-on oqaken xamaqt’en-kawr |
30 | qa:š-n oqaken |
40 | qa:ge-n oqaken |
50 | kt’en-n oqaken |
60 | wenaqa:š-n oqaken |
70 | qo:ke-n oqaken |
80 | po:š-n oqaken |
90 | xamaqt’en-n oqaken |
100 | pataq’ |
200 | waʔme-k’o pataq’ |
300 | qa:š-k’o pataq’ |
400 | qa:ge-k’o pataq’ |
500 | qa:š-k’o pataq’ |
600 | wenaqa:š-k’o pataq’ |
700 | qo:k-k’o pataq’ |
800 | po:š-k’o pataq’ |
900 | xamaqt’en-k’o pataq’ |
1,000 | warenk’ |
2,000 | waʔme-k’o warenk’ |
3,000 | qa:š-k’o warenk’ |
4,000 | qa:ge-k’o warenk’ |
5,000 | qa:š-k’o warenk’ |
6,000 | wenaqa:š-k’o warenk’ |
7,000 | qo:k-k’o warenk’ |
8,000 | po:š-k’o warenk’ |
9,000 | xamaqt’en-k’o warenk’ |
(m) masculine (f) feminine
Tehuelche has a decimal system. There are masculine and feminine forms for 2 and 3, and two options for number 2: the masculine form xawke or xa:uke;, and the feminine form xaone or xa:one. Numbers ‘hundred’ and thousand are loanwords from the Mapudungun (Mapuche) language.
Information about Tehuelche numerals
Compiled by Wolfgang Kuhl
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Some numbers provided by Stephen Dalphin
Information about counting in Tehuelche
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