An cluinn thu, Iain?

I learnt this lullaby from Christine Primrose in the Gaelic Song class at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig on the Isle of Skye in 2008.

An cluinn thu, Iain?

An cluinn, an cluinn, an cluinn thu Iain?
An cluinn, an cluinn, an cluinn thu Iain?
An cluinn, an cluinn, an cluinn thu Iain?
Tha chuthag 's a' choill 's an oidhche tighinn, o tha

O tha, o tha, o tha, o thì
O tha, o tha, o tha, o thì
O tha, o tha, o tha, o thì
Tha rionnag na dùisg 's a sùil a' pribadh, o tha

An cluinn, an cluinn, an cluinn thu Iain?
An cluinn, an cluinn, an cluinn thu Iain?
An cluinn, an cluinn, an cluinn thu Iain?
Tha chuthag 's a' choill 's an oidhche tighinn, o tha

O tha, o tha, o tha, o thì
O tha, o tha, o tha, o thì
O tha, o tha, o tha, o thì
Dèan cadal, a ghràidh, 's do mhàthair sgìth, o tha

Do you hear, Iain?

Do you hear, do you hear do you hear, Iain?
Do you hear, do you hear do you hear, Iain?
Do you hear, do you hear do you hear, Iain?
The cuckoo is in the wood and the night is coming, o yes

O yes, o yes, o yes, o my
O yes, o yes, o yes, o my
O yes, o yes, o yes, o my
A star is awake and its eye is winking, o yes

Do you hear, do you hear do you hear, Iain?
Do you hear, do you hear do you hear, Iain?
Do you hear, do you hear do you hear, Iain?
The cuckoo is in the wood and the night is coming, O yes

O yes, o yes, o yes, o my
O yes, o yes, o yes, o my
O yes, o yes, o yes, o my
Sleep, my love, your mother is tired, o yes

Here's a recording of this song:

Tobar an Dualchais · 26) An Cluinn, An Cluinn, An Cluinn Thu Iain - Gun Fhios, 1959

This song can also be heard on:

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