Hi horo 's na horo eile

This song was written by John McLean of Balemartin (Iain MacGhill'eathain) in around 1880. I learnt it from Christine Primrose at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig on the Isle of Skye in 2008.

Hi horo 's na horo eile

Hi horo 's na horo eile
Hi horo 's na horo eile
Hi horo 's na horo eile
Gur tu mo luaidh ri m'bheò cha chèil mi

Nuair a bha mi 'm chaileig ghòraich
Thug mi gaol is gràdh don òigeir
Aig am bheil a' phearsa bhòidheach
'S cha ghràdhaich mi ri m'bhèo fear eile

Miar is grinn' air peann a sgrìobhas
'S a chur gleus air teudan fìdhle
'S e do cheol a thogadh m'inntinn
Nuair a bhithinn sgìth fo smalan

Do chul dualach, cuachach, bòidheach
Falt do chinn mar it' an lòn'duibh
Do dhà ghruaidh air dhreach nan ròsan
'S iad fo dhealta ceò na maidne

Ach tha mis' an dùil 's an dòchas
Gu'n tig an là 's am bi sinn còmhla
'S ma bhios tusa dìleas dhomhsa
Cha ghàdhaich mi ri m'bheò fear eile

Hi horo 's na horo eile

Hi horo 's na horo eile
Hi horo 's na horo eile
Hi horo 's na horo eile
You are my sweetheart on my life I'll not conceal it

When I was a foolish young girl
I gave my love to the young man
Who has such a comely shape
And I shall not love, on my life, any other

The neatest fingers that write with a pen
and tuned the fiddle strings
It is your music that would lift my spirits
When I would be tired and despondent

Your curly, ringletted, beautiful hair
The hair on you head is as black as the balckbird
Your two cheeks have the complexion of roses
that are covered in the morning dew

But I live in expectation and hope
The the day will come when we will be together
And if you will be faithful to me
My love for as long as I live will not be for another

Recordings of this song:

This song can be heard on:

Other versions of this song

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