Molly na gCuach Ní Chuilleanáin (Molly Cullinane of the Ringlets)

This is a traditional Irish love song.

Molly na gCuach Ní Chuilleanáin

Ar meisce cha dtéim níos mó
Braon leanna go deo ní bhlaisfidh mé
Ó chaill mé mo chailín beag óg
A chuireadh i mo phócaí an t-airgead.

Is fada liom uaim í, uaim í
Is fada liom uaim í ó d´imigh sí
Is fada liom thíos agus thuas í
Molly na gcuach Ní Chuilleanáin.

Dhéanfaidh mé tigh ar an ard
Is beidh ceithre ba bainne breaca agam
Is ní ligfidh mé 'n duine dá gcomhair
Ach Molly dheas bhán Ní Chuilleanáin.


Dá mbeinnse i ndeacair an bháis
Is na daoine a rá nach dtiocfainn as
Ní dhéanfainn mo thiomna go brách
Go dtiocfadh Moll Bhán Ní Chuilleanáin.


Bhí mise lá ar an choill
Is tharla dom soilse bhrádóige
Dhéanfadh sí marbhán beo
Nó buachaill deas óg den tseanduine.


Molly Cullinane of the Ringlets

I won´t go drinking anymore
I will not taste a drop of beer ever
Since I lost my little young girl
Who used to put money in my pockets.

I miss her, I miss her
I miss her since she went away
I miss her in every way
Molly Cullinane of the ringlets.

I will build a house on the heights
And I will have four spotted milk cows
And I will allow nobody near them
Except for lovely fair Molly Cullinane.


If I were on my deathbed
And the people saying I would not recover
I would never make my will
Until fair Molly Cullinane would come.


One day I was in the wood
I caught a glimpse of a pretty girl
She would make a corpse live
Or turn an old man into a young fellow.


Tá an t-amhrán le cloisteáil ar na halbaim seo


Different versions of the lyrics of this song

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