
The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9)


Altyerrel angka ingwerek-ingwer ilpertileyel

1. Awank-akerr, ahern-areny-rnem angka anyentelant angkerrenh.

2. Ikwer-theyan ingwer-rnem apmer Babylon akngerrakw-ampeny-warl alpek. Rernem ingkerrenh alperlewek akngerrakw, peleyn ilkwewarl, apmer Shinar-arrangarr-warl. Apmer-anem rernem arrernek.

3-4. Rernem angkerrenh, “Tern ilkwa mpwaretyek, warl arrpanenh, warl arlpenty-then anwantherr mpwarey alker-warl-athek, alkerek-atwety. Apwert-weny anwantherr mpwarey bricks-elant, ankerelant anyentelhilem anterrkwetyek bricks renh. Ingkerrenhel anwenhantherr iterl-aretyek apmer anyentek. Anwantherr apmer arrpanenh-warl nthakenh arlpimperrey-angenh. Anwantherr arlperrtyirreyang anetyek, apmer anyent ikwerel.”

5. Altyerrel tawen renh aretyek apetyek rernemarl arnwarnenh.

6. Ra ilek, “Nhernem warrkirreyel rernemarl angka anyentel angkerreyel. Rernem arlkwententyelan, ilek-ilek mpwarerl-anekerr. Rernem tnakelheyel rernemarl warl ilkwa artek-penh.

7. Atha renh-rnem angka amentew-ament-anem iley, rernem awerrey-angenh-antey ingkerr anayntetyek.”

8-9. Angka anyentarl angkerrenh-penh Altyerrel renh-rnem angka ilpertelhilek ingkerrenh. Angka ingwerek-ingwer-anem rernem angkerrenh. Rernem menty-anem ipmek, warrkirreyang-anem. Rernem arlperrtyirremel alpek apmer arrpanenh-warl, aney-alpek.


Contributed by Wolfgang Kuhl

Information about Alyawarr | Tower of Babel

Tower of Babel in Pama-Nyungan languages

Alyawarr, Arrernte (Eastern), Djinang, Gumatj, Guugu Yalandji, Kala Lagaw Ya, Martu Wangka, Ngaanyatjarra, Warlpiri

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