The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9)
Ditammari (Tammari)
Didènnì bɛ̀tu dì Bɑbɛɛdi di kó mumɑrimù
- Bɛnìtìbɛ̀ bɛmɔu do nɑ́ɑ́ ntinɑ́ɑǹtì timɑ́ɑ̀ ndi, onìtì nɑ́ɑǹtì do í cɑ̃́ɑ̃́.
- Kɛ̀ bɛ̀ɛ kɔtɛ diyiè yìɛ̀ní kɛ̀ɛ̀ bíɛ́kɛ̀ kɛ́yɑ̀ kubiriku mɑkù, dihɛì bɛ̀ tu dì Sindeɑɑ kɛ bo mɑɑ́,
- kɛ́nɑ́kɛ́ bɛtɔbɛ̀ kɛ dɔ̀: Ítɛ́nɛ̀ kɛ̀ ti pííkú yɛdombiɛ, kɛ́ yɛ̀ pũ̀ńnɛ́ kɛ̀ yɛ̀ɛ kpenkɛ kɛ́ndò nyɛtɑ̃́rɛ̀, kɛ̀ tí wɑɑ́ nkùtìnɔ́ɔ̀ kɛ́nsĩɛ̃kù.
- Kɛ̀ tí mɑɑ́ dihɛì, kɛ́mɑɑ́ didènnì kɛ̀ dìi kɑ́ɑ́kɛ́ tiwɛtì, kɛ̀ ti yètìrìi feitɛ́, kɛ̀ ti bɑ́ɑ́ cíɛ́tɛ́ kɛtenkɛ̀ kɛmɔu.
- Kɛ̀ ti Yiɛ̀ nKuyie ncútɛ́ní kɛ bo yɑ̀ bɛnìtìbɛ̀ mɑɑ́ dìì ɛì nɛ̀ didènnì.
- Kɛ dɔ̀: Bɛ̀ mɛ̀ ntúmɛ̀ kubotí kùmɑ́ɑ̀ kɔbɛ kɛ nɑ́ɑ́ ntinɑ́ɑǹtì tìmɑ́ɑ̀, dɛ̀mɑrɛ̀ í yóó bɛ̀ dìtínnɛ́ bɛ̀ yóó nɑmu kɛ́dɔɔ̀ bɛ̀ dɔ́mɛ̀.
- Ti cútɛ́nɛ̀ kɛ́kɔkɛ́ bɛ nɑ́ɑǹtì, kɛ̀ bɛ̀ nnɑ́ɑ́ nkɛ í yo bɛtɔbɛ̀ tu mù.
- Kɛ̀ ti Yiɛ̀ nKuyie mbɛ̀ cíɛ nkɛtenkɛ̀ kɛmɔu, bɑ́ bɛ̀ í mmɑɑ́ dɛ kó dihɛì.
- Dɛɛ̀ te kɛ̀ bɛ̀ yu dɛ kó didènnì kɛ tú Bɑbɛɛdi. Ti Yiɛ̀ nKuyie ndɛ nkɔkɛ́ bɛnìtìbɛ̀ nɑ́ɑǹtì, kɛ́ bɛ̀ cíɛ nkɛtenkɛ̀ kɛmɔu miɛkɛ.
Source: TENKETƐ. Bibiri Kuyie Nnɑ́ɑǹtì Pɑ́tíri. The Holy Bible in the Ditammari language of Benin. SIM International, 2001.
Contributed by Wolfgang Kuhl
Tammari is a member of the Gur branch of Niger-Congo languages
spoken in Benin and Togo by about 150,000 people.
More information about Tammari
Tower of Babel in Gur languages
Tumulung Sisaala,
Other Tower of Babel translations
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