Words for family members and other relatives in Ukrainian, an Eastern Slavic language spoken mainly in Ukraine.
Key to abbreviations: m = male, f = female
Ukrainian (Українська) | |
family | сім'я (sim'ya) |
parents | батьки (bat'ky) |
father | тато (tato) |
mother | мама (mama) |
children | діти (dity) |
son | син (syn) |
daughter | дочка (dočka) |
husband | чоловік (čolovik) |
wife | дружина (družina) |
brother | брат (brat) |
sister | сестра (sestra) |
uncle | стрий (stryj) pt вуй(ко) (vuj(ko)) mt |
aunt | тітка (titka) |
cousin | двоюрiдний брат (dvojuridnij brat) - m двоюрiдна сестра (dvojoridna sestra) - f |
nephew | племінник (pleminnyk) |
niece | племінниця (pleminnycja) |
grandparents | бабуся й дідусь (babucja j diduc') |
grandfather | дідо (dido) |
grandmother | баба (baba) |
grandchildren | онуки (onuky) |
grandson | внук (vnuk) |
granddaughter | внучка (vnučka) |
great grandfather | прадід (pradid) |
great grandmother | прабаба (prababa) |
father-in-law | тесть (test') |
mother-in-law | свекруха (svekruxa) |
brother-in-law | шурин (šuryn) |
sister-in-law | невістка (nevistka) |
Belarusian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian
Family words in other languages
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