How to count in Carolinian (Refalúwasch), a Micronesian language spoken in the Northern Mariana Islands. Some of numbers are in Tanapag, which is either considered a variety of Carolinian, or a separate language. Tanapag is spoken by about 10 people on Saipan island, and is also known as Northern Carolinian or Talaabwogh.
If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Numeral | Cardinal | Ordinal |
1 | se-, eet | aeschayúl |
2 | ruwa-, rúúw | aarúúschayúl aruurhayún (T) |
3 | ele-, ili- (T), eel | aileschayúl ailirhayú (T) |
4 | faa-, fáál, faamal | afaamalúl afaamanún (T) |
5 | lima-, liim, limmal | alimmalul alimmanún (T) |
6 | olo-, ool, oon (T), olomal | aolomalúl aonomanún (T) |
7 | fisú-, fiis, fisimal | afisimalúl afisimanún (T) |
8 | walú-, waal, walúmal | awalúmalúl awalimanún (T) |
9 | tiwa-, tiiw, tiwmal | atiwamalúl ariwmanún (T) |
10 | seigh | |
11 | seigh me eew | |
12 | seigh me ruwoow | |
13 | seigh me elluw | |
14 | seigh me faaw | |
15 | seigh me limoow | |
16 | seigh me onoow | |
17 | seigh me fisuuw | |
18 | seigh me waluuw | |
19 | seigh me tiwoow | |
20 | ruweigh | aruweighal |
21 | ruweigh me eew | |
22 | ruweigh me ruwoow | |
23 | ruweigh me elluw | |
24 | ruweigh me faaw | |
25 | ruweigh me limoow | |
26 | ruweigh me onoow | |
27 | ruweigh me fisuuw | |
28 | ruweigh me waluuw | |
29 | ruweigh me tiwoow | |
30 | eliigh | |
40 | fááig faig (T) |
50 | limeigh limeig (T) |
60 | oleigh | |
70 | fisiigh | |
80 | waliigh | |
90 | tiweigh | |
100 | ebwúghúw | |
200 | ruwabwúghúw | |
300 | elébwúghúw | |
400 | faabwúghúw | |
500 | limabwúghú limabwúgú (T) |
600 | olobwúghúw | |
700 | fisabwúghúw | |
800 | walabwúghúw | |
900 | tiwabwúghúw | |
1,000 | sangaras | |
2,000 | ruwangaras | |
3,000 | elengaras | |
4,000 | faangaras | |
5,000 | limangaras | |
6,000 | olongaras | |
7,000 | fisangaras | |
8,000 | walengaras | |
9,000 | tiwangaras | |
10,000 | eghit | |
20,000 | ruwaghit | |
30,000 | eleghit | |
40,000 | fáághit | |
50,000 | limeghit | |
60,000 | oleghit | |
70,000 | fisighit | |
80,000 | walaghit | |
90,000 | tiweghit | |
100,000 | -púngút* |
Frederick H. Jackson & Jeffrey C. Marck. CAROLINIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. University of Hawaii Press. Honolulu. 20 May 2019.
Compiled by Wolfgang Kuhl
Information about Carolinian numbers
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Carolinian | Numbers
Carolinian, Chuukese, Kiribati, Kosraean, Marshallese, Mokliese, Nauruan, Pingelapese, Pohnpeian, Puluwatese, Satawalese, Sonsorolese, Tobian, Ulithian, Woleaian
Alphabetical index | Language family index
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