How to count in Kabardian (къэбэрдеибзэ), a North West Caucasian language spoken mainly in the Kabardian-Balkar and Karachay-Circassian Republics of Russia.
If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Numeral | Cardinal | Ordinal |
0 | Ноль | |
1 | зы [zə] | япэ [jaːpa] |
2 | тӀу [tʷʼə] | етIуанэ [jatʼaːna] |
3 | щы [ɕə] | ещанэ [jaɕaːna] |
4 | плӀы [pɬʼə] | яплIынэрэ (jaːpɬʼənara) |
5 | тху [txʷə] | еянэ [jajaːna] |
6 | хы [xə] | |
7 | блы [bɮə] | |
8 | и [jə] | |
9 | бгъу [bʁʷə] | |
10 | пщӏы [pɕʼə] | епщIанэ [japɕʼaːna] |
11 | пщӏыкӀуз [pɕʼəkʷʼəz] | |
12 | пщӏыкӀутIу [pɕʼəkʷʼətʷʼ] | |
13 | пщӏыкӀущ [pɕʼəkʷʼəɕ] | |
14 | пщӏыкӀуплI [pɕʼəkʷʼəpɬʼ] | |
15 | пщӏыкӀутху [pɕʼəkʷʼətxʷ] | |
16 | пщӏыкӀух [pɕʼəkʷʼəx] | епщыкIуханэ [japɕʼəkʷʼəxaːna] |
17 | пщӏыкӀубл [pɕʼəkʷʼəbɮ] | |
18 | пщӏыкӀуй [pɕʼəkʷʼəj] | |
19 | пщӏыкӀубгъу [pɕʼəkʷʼəbʁʷ] | |
20 | тӀощӏ [tʷʼaɕʼə] | |
21 | тӀощӏэ зырэ [tʷʼaɕʼəra zəra]) | |
22 | тӀощӏэ тIурэ [tʷʼaɕʼəra tʷʼəra] | |
23 | тӀощӏэ щырэ [tʷʼaɕʼəra ɕəra] | |
24 | тӀощӏэ плӀырэ [tʷʼaɕʼəra pɬʼəra] | |
25 | тӀощӏэ тхурэ [tʷʼaɕʼəra txʷəra] | |
26 | тӀощӏэ хырэ [tʷʼaɕʼəra xəra] | |
27 | тӀощӏэ блырэ [tʷʼaɕʼəra bɮəra] | |
28 | тӀощӏэ ирэ [jəra] | |
29 | тӀощӏэ бгъурэ [tʷʼaɕʼəra bʁʷəra] | |
30 | щэщӏ [ɕaɕʼ] | |
40 | плIыщI [pɬʼəɕʼ] (20 × 2) | |
50 | тхущI,[txʷəɕʼ] (½ 100) | |
60 | хыщI,[xəɕʼ] (3 × 20) | |
70 | блыщI [bɮəɕʼ] (20 × 3 and 10) | |
80 | ищI [jəɕʼ] (20 × 4) | |
90 | бгъущI [bʁʷəɕʼ] (20 × 4 and 10) | |
100 | щэ (ɕa) | |
101 | щэрэ зырэ (ɕara zəra) | |
200 | щитӀу (ɕitʷʼ) | |
300 | щищ (ɕiɕ) | |
400 | щиплӀ (ɕipɬʼ) | |
500 | щитху (ɕitxʷ) | |
600 | щих (ɕix) | |
700 | щибл (ɕibɮ) | |
800 | щий (ɕij) | |
900 | щибгъу (ɕibʁʷ) | |
1,000 | мин (min) | |
2,000 | минитӀу (minitʷʼ) | |
3,000 | минищ (miniɕ) | |
4,000 | миниплӀ (minipɬʼ) | |
5,000 | минитху (minitxʷ) | |
6,000 | миних (minix) | |
7,000 | минибл (minibɮ) | |
8,000 | миний (minij) | |
9,000 | минибгъу (minibʁʷ) | |
10,000 | минипщӏ (minipʃʼ) | |
100,000 | минищэ (miniɕa) |
Information provided by Wolfgang Kuhl
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information Kabardian | Numbers | Tower of Babel
Abkhaz, Abaza, Adyghe, Kabardian
Alphabetical index | Language family index
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