How to count in Maltese (Malti), a Central Semitic language spoken in Malta and Gozo.
If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Numeral | Cardinal | Ordinal |
0 | xejn; żero | |
1 | wieħed (m) waħda (f) | l-ewwel |
2 | tnejn | it-tieni |
3 | tlieta | it-tielet |
4 | erbgħa | ir-raba' |
5 | ħamsa | il-ħames |
6 | sitta | is-sitt |
7 | sebgħa | is-seba' |
8 | tmienja | it-tmien |
9 | disgħa | id-disa' |
10 | għaxra | l-għaxar |
11 | ħdax | il-ħdax |
12 | tnax | it-tnax |
13 | tlettax | it-tlettax |
14 | erbatax | l-erbatax |
15 | ħmistax | il-ħmistax |
16 | sittax | is-sittax |
17 | sbatax | is-sbatax |
18 | tmintax | it-tmintax |
19 | dsatax | id-dsatax |
20 | għoxrin | l-għoxrin |
21 | wieħed u għoxrin | |
22 | tnejn u għoxrin | |
23 | tlieta u għoxrin | |
24 | erbgħa u għoxrin | |
25 | ħamsa u għoxrin | |
26 | sitta u għoxrin | |
27 | sebgħa u għoxrin | |
28 | tmienja u għoxrin | |
29 | disgħa u għoxrin | |
30 | tletin | |
40 | erbgħin | |
50 | ħamsin | |
60 | sittin | |
70 | sebgħin | |
80 | tmenin | |
90 | disgħin | |
100 | mija | |
200 | mitejn | |
300 | tliet mija | |
400 | erba’ mija | |
500 | hames mija | |
600 | sitt mija | |
700 | seba’ mija | |
800 | tminn mija | |
900 | disa’ mija | |
1,000 | elf | |
2,000 | elfejn | |
3,000 | tlitt elef | |
4,000 | erbat elef | |
5,000 | ħamest elef | |
6,000 | sitt elef | |
7,000 | sebat elef | |
8,000 | tmint elef | |
9,000 | disat elef | |
10,000 | għaxra elf | |
100,000 | mija elf | |
1,000,000 | miljun | |
once | darba | |
twice | darbtejn |
Hear Maltese numbers
Information about Maltese numbers
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Maltese | Phrases | Numbers | Family words | Tower of Babel | Learning materials
Amharic, Arabic (Chadian), Arabic (Egyptian), Arabic (Hejazi), Arabic (Lebanese), Arabic (Libyan), Arabic (Modern Standard), Arabic (Moroccan), Aramaic, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Phoenician, Tigre, Tigrinya, Turoyo
Alphabetical index | Language family index
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