Numbers in Simte

How to count in Simte, a member of the Kukish branch of Sino-Tibetan languages spoken mainly in Manipur in the northeast of India.

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers
0 zero  
1 khat khatna
2 nih nihna
3 thum thumna
4 li lina
5 nga ngana
6 gup gupna
7 sagih sagihna
8 giat giatna
9 kua kuana
10 sawm sawmna
11 sawmleh khat  
12 sawmleh nih  
13 sawmleh thum  
14 sawmleh li  
15 sawmleh nga  
16 sawmleh gup  
17 sawmleh sagih  
18 sawmleh giat  
19 sawmleh kua  
20 sawmnih  
21 sawmnih leh khat  
22 sawmnih leh nih  
23 sawmnih leh thum  
24 sawmnih leh li  
25 sawmnih leh nga  
26 sawmnih leh gup  
27 sawmnih leh sagih  
28 sawmnih leh giat  
29 sawmnih leh kua  
30 sawmthum  
40 sawmli  
50 sawmnga  
60 sawmgup  
70 sawmsagih  
80 sawmgiat  
90 sawmkua  
100 za  
120 za leh sawmnih  
200 zanih  
300 zathum  
400 zali  
500 zanga  
600 zagup  
700 zasagih  
800 zagiat  
900 zakua  
1,000 saang  
(lakh) siing  
ten million
(crore) nuai  
once khatvei  
twice nihvei  
thrice thumvei  
1/4 sehli suah sehkhat  
3/4 sehli suah sehthum  
1 1/4 khat leh sehli suah sehkhat  
1/2 alang  
1 1/2 khat leh alang  
2 1/2 nih leh alang  

Source: Kumāra, Braja Bihārī. हिन्दी सिम्ते अंग्रेजी शब्द-सूची = Hindi Simte English vocabulary. Hindī Simte Aṅgrejī śabda-sūcī. Kohimā : Nāgālaiṇḍa Bhāshā Parishada, 1974.

Information compiled by Wolfgang Kuhl

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Simte

Numbers in Kukish languages

Chiru, Chothe, Gangte, Hakha, Karbi, Manipuri, Paite, Simte, Tedim, Zeme, Zou

Numbers in other languages

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