Woods Cree numbers

How to count in Woods Cree (Nīhithawīwin / ᒐᐦᑭᐯᐦᐃᑲᓇ), a member of the the Western Cree branch of the Algonquian language family spoken in northern parts of Manitoba and Saskatchewan in Canada.

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal Ordinal
0 namahkîway (ᓇᒪᐦᑮᐊᐧᕀ)
ma kîkway (ᒪ ᑮᑲᐧᕀ)
1 peyak (ᐯᔭᐠ) mwecipeyakwâw (ᒣᐧᒋᐯᔭᑳᐧᐤ)
2 nîso (ᓃᓱ) mweci nîso (ᒣᐧᒋ ᓃᓱ)
3 nisto (ᓂᐢᑐ) mwecinistwâw (ᒣᐧᒋᓂᐢᑖᐧᐤ)
4 newo (ᓀᐅᐧ) mwecinewo (ᒣᐧᒋᓀᐅᐧ)
5 ᓃᔮᓇᐣ (nîyânan) mwecinîyânan (ᒣᐧᒋᓃᔮᓇᐣ )
6 nikotwâsik (ᓂᑯᑖᐧᓯᐠ) mwecinikotwâsik (ᒣᐧᒋᓂᑯᑖᐧᓯᐠ)
7 tepakohp (ᑌᐸᑯᑊ) mwecitepakohp (ᒣᐧᒋᑌᐸᑯᐦᑊ)
8 ayinânew (ᐊᔨᓈᓀᐤ) mweciayinânew (ᒣᐧᒋᐊᔨᓈᓀᐤ)
9 kekâymitâht (ᑫᑳᕀᒥᑖᐦᐟ) mwecikîkâmitâtaht (ᒣᐧᒋᑮᑳᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ)
10 mitâtaht (ᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ) mwecimitâtaht (ᒣᐧᒋᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ)
11 peyakosâp (ᐯᔭᑯᓵᑊ)
mitâtaht peyakosâp
(ᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ ᐯᔭᑯᓵᑊ)
mwecipeyakosâp (ᒣᐧᒋᐯᔭᑯᓵᑊ)
12 nîsosâp (ᓃᓱᓵᑊ)
mitâtaht nîsosâp
(ᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ ᓃᓱᓵᑊ)
mwecinîsosâp (ᒣᐧᒋᓃᓱᓵᑊ )
13 nistosâp (ᓂᐢᑐᓵᑊ)
mitâtaht nistosâp
(ᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ ᓂᐢᑐᓵᑊ)
mwecinitosâp (ᒣᐧᒋᓂᑐᓵᑊ)
14 nêwosâp (ᓀᐅᐧᓵᑊ)
mitâtaht nêwosâp
(ᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ ᓀᐅᐧᓵᑊ)
mwecinewosâp (ᒣᐧᒋᓀᐅᐧᓵᑊ)
15 neyânanosâp (ᓀᔮᓇᓄᓵᑊ)
mitâtaht neyânanosâp
(ᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ ᓀᔮᓇᓄᓵᑊ)
mwecinîyânanosâp (ᒣᐧᒋᓃᔮᓇᓄᓵᑊ)
16 nikotwâsosâp (ᓂᑯᑖᐧᓱᓵᑊ)
mitâtaht nikotwâsosâp
(ᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ ᓂᑯᑖᐧᓱᓵᑊ)
mwecinikotwâsosâp (ᒣᐧᒋᓂᑯᑖᐧᓱᓵᑊ)
17 tepakohposâp (ᑌᐸᑯᐦᐳᓵᑊ)
mitâtaht tepakohposâp
(ᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ ᑌᐸᑯᐦᐳᓵᑊ)
18 ayinânêwosâp (ᐊᔨᓈᓀᐅᐧᓵᑊ)
mitâtaht ayinânêwosâp
(ᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ ᐊᔨᓈᓀᐅᐧᓵᑊ)
mweci ayinânewosâp
(ᒣᐧᒋ ᐊᔨᓈᓀᐅᐧᓵᑊ)
19 kîkâmitâtahtosâp (ᑮᑳᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᓵᑊ)
kêkâ-nîsitanaw (ᑫᑳ ᓃᓯᑕᓇᐤ)
20 nîstanaw (ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ) mwecinîstanaw (ᒣᐧᒋᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ)
21 nîstanaw peyakosâp
(ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᐯᔭᑯᓵᑊ)
22 nîstanaw nisosâp
(ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᓂᓱᓵᑊ)
23 nîstanaw nistosâp
(ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᓂᐢᑐᓵᑊ)
24 nîstanaw newosâp
(ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᓀᐅᓵᑊ)
25 nîstanaw nîyânanosâp
(ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᓃᔮᓇᓄᓵᑊ)
26 nîstanaw nikotwâsisâp
(ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᓂᑯᑖᐧᓯᓵᑊ)
27 nîstanaw tepakoposâp
(ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᑌᐸᑯᐳᓵᑊ)
28 nîstanaw ayinânewosâp
(ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᐊᔨᓈᓀᐓᓵᑊ)
29 kêkâc nistomitanaw
(ᑫᑳᐨ (ᑫᑳ ᓂᐢᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ)
30 nistomitanaw
40 nemitanaw
50 nîyânanomitanaw
60 nikotwâsomitanaw
70 tepakohpimitanaw
80 ayinânewomitanaw
90 kîkâmitâtahtomitanaw
100 mitâtahtomitanaw
200 nîswâw mitâtahtomitanaw
(ᓃᓵᐧᐤ ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ)
300 nistwâw mitâtahtomitanaw
(ᓂᐢᑖᐧᐤ ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ)
400 newâw mitâtahtomitanaw
(ᓀᐋᐧᐤ ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ)
500 nîyânanwâw mitâtahtomitanâw
(ᓃᔮᓇᓈᐧᐤ ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓈᐤ)
600 nikotwâsikwâw mitâtahtomitanaw
(ᓂᑯᑖᐧᓯᑳᐧᐤ ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ)
700 tepakohpwâw mitâtahtomitanaw
(ᑌᐸᑯᐦᐹᐧᐤ ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ)
800 ayinânewâw mitâtahtomitanaw
(ᐊᔨᓈᓀᐋᐧᐤ ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ)
900 kîkâmitâtahtwâw mitâtahtomitanaw
(ᑮᑳᒥᑖᑕᐦᑖᐧᐤ ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ)
1,000 peyakwâw kihci mitâtahtomitanaw
(ᐯᔭᑳᐧᐤ ᑭᐦᒋ ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ)
kihchi mitatahtomitanaw
(ᑭᐦᒋ ᒥᑕᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ)
10,000 mitâtahtwâw kihci mitâtahtomitanaw
(ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑖᐧᐤ ᑭᐦᒋ ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ)
100,000 mitâtahtomitanowâw kihci mitâtahtomitanaw
(ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓄᐋᐧᐤ ᑭᐦᒋ ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ)
1,000,000 peyakwaw kisipakihtasowin
(ᐯᔭᑲᐧᐤ ᑭᓯᐸᑭᐦᑕᓱᐃᐧᐣ)

Hear some Cree numbers:

Information about Cree numbers

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Woods Cree | Numbers | Cree courses on: Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk [affilate links]

Numbers in Algonquian languages

Abenaki, Algonquin, Arapaho, Atikamekw, Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Chippewa, Cree (Moose), Cree (Plains), Cree (Swampy), Cree (Woods), Fox, Innu, Kickapoo, Malecite-Passamaquoddy, Menominee, Miami, Mi'kmaq, Mohegan, Munsee, Naskapi, Ojibwe, Ottawa, Penobscot, Powhatan, Potawatomi, Sauk, Shawnee, Unami (Lenape)

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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