The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9)
Choctaw (Chahta Anumpa)
- MIHMA yakni moma kʊt itih, micha anumpa aiena kʊt achʊfa tok.
- Atuk o̱ yakohmi tok, hʊshi akochaka imma ya̱ ashʊt itʊnowʊt mihinti mʊt, yakni patali ʊt Shina yakni ya̱ tala̱ya na, ant ahayuchi tok: mihmʊt yummak o̱ okla aiasha tok.
- Mihmʊt, Inta! lukfi nuna kiloh ikbí, micha achukmalit eho hukmashke, itim achi tok. Mihmʊt tʊli a hetuk a̱ lukfi nuna yokma, anonti iaht ʊlhpolosa ya̱ na ahinʊshbi yosh okla im aiasha tok.
- Mihmʊt, Inta! hʊpimmi hachi̱ ka̱ tʊmaha holihta micha chuka chaha ai atoni paknaka yʊt shutik a̱ ona ho̱ iloh ikbashke; micha pi hohchifo iloh ikbhashke; keyukmʊt ita fimimpʊt yakni paknaka moma ka̱ il itʊnowa yoba ná, okla achi tok.
- Mihma Chihowah ʊt hatak im ʊlla ʊhleha hʊt tʊmaha holihta, micha chuka chaha ai atoni ikbi ka̱ pisa chi̱ hosh akowʊt ʊla tok.
- Micha Chihowah ʊt, Yokeh! okla hʊt achʊfa, micha moma kʊt im anumpa hʊt achʊfʊshke: atuk osh ikʊppa yʊmihchit isht iʊshke: yohmi ka̱ himak a̱ yʊmihcha chi̱ im anukfila tuk a̱ nana hosh im ai ataklʊmma hi ʊt ikshoshke.
- Inta! pit kil akowa cha, im anumpa ha kil im it aiokomi na, ilap bi̱ka yʊt im anumpa ha̱ ik itim akostinincho, kashke, achi tok.
- Yʊmohmi ho̱ Chihowah ʊt yʊmma a kanʊllichit yakni paknaka maoma ka̱ ita fimibli tok: mihma tʊmaha holihta ikbi tuk ʊt issa tok.
- Yʊmohmi hatʊk o̱ yʊmmʊt Babel hohchifo tok: yʊmmak o̱ Chihowah ʊt yakni moma im anumpa ha̱ ai itim aiokomi tok oka: micha yʊmma Chihowah ʊt akanʊllichit yakni paknaka moma ka̱ ita fimibli tok.
Source: Chenesis, Eksotus, Lefitkus, Numbas, Micha Tutelenomi Holisso Aiena Kʊt Toshowʊt Chahta Anumba Toba Hike. The Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy translated into the Choctaw language. American Bible Society. New York - 1867.
Contributed by Wolfgang Kuhl
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