The Languan alphabet was created by Zach McVay during the summer of 2004 and was originally based on how the italicized Latin alphabet looks when read upside-down. The alphabet was used a great deal in writing various conlangs created by Zach, and has evolved a great deal from its original form. It is now used to decoratively write the Languan language (based on Castillian Spanish). It is also used in the writing of poems. Other instances, such as the writing of books, use a form of the Latin Alphabet, created in January 2005.
Languan - a euroclone conlang invented by Zach Mcvay
in the autumn of 2004
Marian - an alien language created by a friend of Zach's
Sappharian - a euroclone language invented in the winter
of 2004, based on a simplified form of Languan.
A a | Á á | B b | C c | D d | Ð ð | E e | É é | F f | G g | H h | I i | Í í | J j | K k | L l |
M m | N n | O o | Ó ó | P p | Q q | R r | S s | T t | U u | Ú ú | V v | W w | Y y | X x | Z z |
Tóðos ael humános es bírtho taengo libértas ee egalíte. Ael taengo intelihéncia ee consciéncia ee es buényo áse a'ael humános en ael spirito de'ael siblíngo.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
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