Simon Halfdan Hvilshøj Andersen created Obúka lún Êkimyú in February 2005 as the precussor for both the JSEA and the Atemayar.
The Obúka lún Êkimyú (or the King's Letters) is the native writing system of the region of the present city of Ogedemarra in the Aârish State Minustar on the planet Jeernervaniaa. At that time, that is in the Gregorian Calendar, in 6000 BC, the Scholars of the Lekinese Court developped a new alphabet which was more adapted to carving into stone or wood. They named the alphabet Hêlva lwún Ogémiyú - which in Lâs translates to Obúka lún Êlimyú. In the following two millenia, the alphabet remained the same until the foundation of the kingdom of Minûstâr in 4550 BC.
In 3970 BC, when Öördj, Queen of Buht and Empress of Türkfhan, began her Conquest of the Orient Campaigns, the Minustarian population fled eastward towards the Paký river which marked the boundary with the newly founded Nobuzyanese Empire. They brought their alphabet with them and the Obúka had a tremendous influence on the Nobuzyanese side of the Paký. When Emperor Fentanvarra the First was crowned Emperor of Nobuzyá he declared the Obúka as the official alphabet for the Nobuzyanese language of that time: Gobarrassu. In the present time, it is called Minustarian Square Alphabet.
The Obúka can be used to write Lâs, the Minustarian language, Gobarrassu and Lim, a dialect of Gobarrassu.
NB: The IPA transliterations in these notes are given in X-SAMPA. For more details of X-SAMPA see:
The Minustarians tend to group numbers in ten of thousands (by four digits) while the Nobutzyanese group them by thousands.
És'ia iûmám lún bréjáranttu
ferélis el sámsis íkin hóin el rétan.
Gárénta láhéra el s'imrún, élle
íkin bá el gióst hánankennénte.
(Lílúin Átimí ús' És'iaisá
Iûmánisén Rétányú Táraktan le)
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
You can download a Obúka lún Êkimyú font
(Minustar Classic) from:
Another font for Obúka lún Êkimyú, created by Bryson Schnaitmann, is available on FontStruct.
Atemayar Qelisayér, Irxti Modern Alphabet (I.M.A.), Jeernervaniaan Standard Extended alphabet (JSEA), Lam-Lammarok, Obúka lún Êkimyú
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