The Sobatha alphabet was made by Sam Block (teanke (at) around the end of the 2003-2004 school year. He has had a fascination with writing systems and languages, and has made many of them.
Sobatha is used to write the language of Cujoltha. Sobatha is an archaic variant of the word "sova", which means monastery. Sobatha means "from the monastery", and comes from the Therasvan Monastery on the continent of Lerasvani, part of the mythical world Secala made by Sam Block. Cujoltha is also an archaic variant of cushin, mouth, meaning "from the mouth", and was first spoken in and around the Feranthi sector of Lorand, another continent on Secala.
Cujoltha, a language invented by Sam Block in mid 2004. It's grammar (an object subject verb grammar) is influenced by Latin and Japanese, and it's vocabulary comes from Japanese, English, Latin, Spanish, Hebrew, D'ni, and various other languages Sam Block has made.
Gaveloril gaiil ce jujy'l gaiil ninmetin suvet munira livrai. Nlanan ce veinlum nemdi gaseotaga sus ath'altareril anilderom casil agalafei.
Gavelor'il gaio ce jujy'l'il gaio ninmeti suvet munira livrai. Nlanan ce veinlan nemdi gaseotaga sus ath'altareren anilder'no casei'il net'deba agalal.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Right)
Longer sample text (Tower of Babel)
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