Family words in Galician

Words for family members and other relatives in Galician.

Key to abbreviations: m = male, f = female

family a familia
parents os pais
father o pai
mother a nai
children os nenos
son o fillo
daughter a filla
husband o marido
o homo
wife a muller
a esposa
brother o irmán
sister a irmá
uncle o tío
aunt a tía
cousin o primo (m)
a prima (f)
nephews & nieces os sobriños
nephew o sobriño
niece a sobriña
grandparents os avós
grandfather o avó
grandmother a avoa
grandchildren os netos
grandson o neto
granddaughter a neta
great grandfather o bisavô
great grandmother a bisavó
great uncle o tío-avó
great aunt a tía avoa
father-in-law o sogro
mother-in-law a sogra
brother-in-law o cuñado
sister-in-law a cuñada


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Family words in Romance languages

Italian, French, Occitan, Catalan, Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, Romanian

Family words in other languages

Information about Galician | Phrases | Numbers | Family words | Tower of Babel


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