Numbers in Alyutor (nəməlʔu)

Information about counting in Alyutor, a Chukotko-Kamchatkan language spoken by about 25 people in the northern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia.

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers
1 ǝnnan vitkukin, janutkin
2 ŋitaq ŋita-qav-kin
3 ŋǝruqqǝ ŋǝru-qav-kin
4 ŋǝraqqǝ ŋǝra-qav-kin
5 mǝllǝŋin mǝllǝŋ-qav-kin
6 ǝnnanmǝllǝŋ(in) (1+5) ǝnnanmǝllǝŋ-qav-kin
7 ŋitaqmǝllǝŋ(in) (2+5) ŋitaqmǝllǝŋ-qav-kin
8 ŋǝruqmǝllǝŋ(in) (3+5) ŋǝruqmǝllǝŋ-qav-kin
9 ŋǝraqmǝllǝŋ(in) (4+5) ŋǝraqmǝllǝŋ-qav-kin
10 mǝnɣǝtkin mǝnɣǝt-qav-kin
11 mǝnɣǝtǝk ǝnnan mǝnɣǝtǝk ǝnnan-qav-kin
12 mǝnɣǝtǝk ŋitaq mǝnɣǝtǝk ŋitaq-qav-kin
13 mǝnɣǝtǝk ŋǝruqqǝ mǝnɣǝtǝk ŋǝruq-qav-kin
14 mǝnɣǝtǝk ŋǝraqqǝ mǝnɣǝtǝk ŋǝraq-qav-kin
15 mǝnɣǝtǝk mǝllǝŋin mǝnɣǝtǝk mǝllǝŋin-qav-kin
16 mǝnɣǝtǝk ǝnnanmǝllǝŋin mǝnɣǝtǝk ǝnnanmǝllǝŋin-qav-kin
17 mǝnɣǝtǝk ŋitaqmǝllǝŋin mǝnɣǝtǝk ŋitaqmǝllǝŋin-qav-kin
18 mǝnɣǝtǝk ŋǝruqmǝllǝŋin mǝnɣǝtǝk ŋǝruqmǝllǝŋin-qav-kin
19 mǝnɣǝtǝk ŋǝraqmǝllǝŋin mǝnɣǝtǝk ŋǝraqmǝllǝŋin-qav-kin
20 qǝlikkǝ qǝlik-ǝ-qav-kin
21 qǝlikǝk ǝnnan  
22 qǝlikǝk ŋitaq  
23 qǝlikǝk ŋǝruqqǝ  
24 qǝlikǝk ŋǝraqqǝ  
25 qǝlikǝk mǝllǝŋin  
26 qǝlikǝk ǝnnanmǝllǝŋin  
27 qǝlikǝk ŋitaqmǝllǝŋin  
28 qǝlikǝk ŋǝruqqǝmǝllǝŋin  
29 qǝlikǝk ŋǝraqqǝmǝllǝŋin  
30 ŋǝruqmǝnɣǝtkin (3x10)  
40 ŋǝraqmǝnɣǝtkin (4x10)  
50 mǝllǝŋin mǝnɣǝtkin (5x10)  
60 ǝnnanmǝllǝŋin mǝnɣǝtkin (6x10)  
70 ŋitaqmǝllǝŋin mǝnɣǝtkin (7x10)  
80 ŋǝruqmǝllǝŋin mǝnɣǝtkin (8x10)  
90 ŋǝraqmǝllǝŋin mǝnɣǝtkin (9x10)  
100 mǝnɣǝtǝk mǝnɣǝtkin (10x10)  
once ǝnnan-saŋ  
twice ŋisa-s(aŋ)  
three times ŋǝru-s(aŋ)  
four times ŋǝra-s(aŋ)  
five times mǝllǝŋ-saŋ  
ten times mǝnɣǝt-saŋ  

Source: Югари Нагаяма. Очерк Грамматики Алюторского Языка. Yukari Nagayama. Grammatical Outline of Alutor. Kyoto - 2003.

Information compiled by Wolfgang Kuhl

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Alyutor | Numbers

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index

Numbers in Chukotko-Kamchatkan languages

Alyutor, Chukchi, Itelmen, Koryak, Koryak (Chavchuven dialect)


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