Numbers in Ateso

How to count in Ateso, an Eastern Nilotic language spoken mainly in Uganda, and also in Kenya.

Key to abbreviations: m = masculine, f = feminine, n = neuter

Feminine cardinal numbers from 20, and neuter numbers from 2 are the same as the masculine numbers.

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers
1 idiope(t) (m)
adiope(t) (f)
yenisodit (n)
losodit (m)
nasodit (f)
yenisodit (n)
2 iyarei (m)
aarei (f)
lokiareit (m)
nakiyareit (f)
yenikiyareit (n)
3 iuni (m)
auni (f)
louniet (m)
nauniet (f)
yeniuniet (n)
4 ioŋon (m)
aoŋon (f)
lowoŋonet (m)
nawoŋonet (f)
yeniwoŋonet (n)
5 ikany (m)
akany (f)
loikanyet (m)
naikanyet (f)
yenikanyet (n)
6 ikany-kape (m)
akany-kape (f)
loikanyet ape (m)
naikanyet ape (f)
yenikanyet ape (n)
7 ikany-kaare (m)
akany-kaare (f)
loikanyetaare (m)
naikanyetaare (f)
yenikanyetaare (n)
8 ikanykauni (m)
akany-kauni (f)
loikanyetauni (m)
naukanyetauni (f)
yenikanyetauni (n)
9 eikanykaoŋon (m)
akanyaaŋon (f)
loikanyetaaŋonet (m)
naikanyetaaŋonet (f)
yenikanyetaaŋonet (n)
10 itomon (m)
atomon (f)
loitomonet (m)
naitomonet (f)
yenitomonet (n)
11 itomon-kanu-diope (m)
atomon-kanu-diope (f)
loitomonetadipe (m)
naitomonet adiope (f)
yenitomonetadiope (n)
12 itomon'aare (m)
atomon'aare (f)
13 itomon'auni (m)
atomon'auni (f)
14 itomon'aaŋon (m)
atomon'aaŋon (f)
15 itomon'akany (m)
atomon'aakany (f)
16 itomon akany'kape (m)
atomon akany'kape (f)
17 itomon akany'kaare (m)
atomon akany'kaare (f)
18 itomon akanyauni (m)
atomon akanyauni (f)
19 itomon akany aoŋon (m)
atomon akany aoŋon (f)
20 akais aare
21 akais aarei kanudiope
30 akais auni
40 akais aangon
50 akais akany loakaisakany (m)
nakaisakany (f)
yenakaisakany (n)
60 akais akany kapei
70 akais akany kaare
80 akais akany kauni
100 akwatat (adiope) loakwatat (m)
naakwatat (f)
yenakwatat (n)
200 akwat aarei
500 akwat akany
1,000 elukumit ediope
10,000 ilukumin itomon
1 million emilionit ediope
1 billion imilionin akwatat

Hear some numbers in Ateso:

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Ateso | Numbers

Numbers in Nilotic languages

Acholi, Anuak, Ateso, Dholuo, Dinka, Kupsabiny, Lango, Maasai, Nuer

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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