How to count in Drehu (Deʼu), a New Caledonian language spoken on Lifou Island in New Caledonia.
If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Numeral | Cardinal | Ordinal |
1 | cas, čas, wan | hnapan |
2 | lue, luete, tru | hnaluen |
3 | köni, könite, theri | hnakönin |
4 | eke, eketen, foa | hnaeken |
5 | tripi (1x5), faif | hnatripin |
6 | cangömen, sikis | hnacangömen |
7 | luengömen, seven | hnaluengömen |
8 | köningömen, eit | hnaköningömenën |
9 | ekengömen, nein | hnaekengömenën |
10 | luepi, ten | hnaluepin |
11 | cako, čako, ileven | hnacakon |
12 | luako, tuelof | hnaluakon |
13 | köniko, thörtin | hnakönikon |
14 | ekako, fortin | hnaekakon |
15 | könipi (3x5), fifitin | hnakönipin |
16 | caqaihano | hnacaqaihanon |
17 | lueqaihano, seventin | hnalueqaihanon |
18 | köniqaihano, eitin | hnaköniqaihanon |
19 | ekeqaihano, neintin | hnaekeqaihanon |
20 | ca at, tuente | hnacatën |
21 | ca at nge cas | |
22 | ca at nge lue | |
23 | ca at nge köni | |
24 | ca at nge eke | |
25 | ca at nge tripi | |
26 | ca at nge cangömen | |
27 | ca at nge luengömen | |
28 | ca at nge köningömen | |
29 | ca at nge ekengömen | |
30 | ca at nge luepi, thörti | |
40 | lue at, forte | |
50 | lue at nge luepi, fifite | |
60 | köniat, sikiste | |
70 | köni at nge luepi | |
80 | ekat, eite | |
90 | ekate nge luepi, neinti | |
100 | ʈiːpi o aʈ ('five persons) / haɖeɖ | |
200 | lue haɖeɖ | |
1,000 | thausan | |
2,000 | lue thausan |
Numbers in italics are English loanwords.
Information about Drehu (Dehu) numerals
Information provided by Wolfgang Kuhl
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Drehu | Numbers
Cèmuhî, Drehu, Kumak, Nengone, Numèè, Nyelâyu, Paicî, Tîrî, Xârâcùù
Alphabetical index | Language family index
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