Numbers in High Valyrian

How to count in High Valyrian, a fictional language developed by the linguist David J. Peterson for the television series Game of Thrones, adaptation of the A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels by George R. R. Martin.

High Valyrian has four grammatical numbers (singular, plural, collective, and paucal), and four genders (lunar, solar, terrestrial, and aquatic). All numbers are declined according to their class (I, II or III) and their gender. For example, 2 stones = lanta dōra (terrestrial gender), 2 knights = lantyz azantyssy (solar gender), 2 men = lanti vali (lunar gender), 2 younger sisters = lantra hāedri (aquatic gender).

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Numeral Cardinal Ordinal
0 daorun
1 mēre, -ior ēlie -ior
2 lanta, -ys, -on, -or tȳne, -ior
3 hāre, -ior saelie, -ior
4 izula, -ys, -on, -or izunnie, -ior
5 tōma tōmelie, ior
6 bȳre,-ior bylllie, -ior
7 sīkuda, -ys, -on, -or sīglie, -ior
8 jēnqa, -ys, -on, -or jēnqelie, -ior
9 vōre, -ior vollie, -ior
10 ampa amplie, -ior
11 mēre ampā kūrie, -ior
12 lanta ampā ñallie, -ior
13 hāre ampā saelie ampā
14 izula ampā izunnie ampā
15 tōma ampā tōmelie ampā
16 bȳre ampā byllie ampā
17 sīkuda ampā sīglie ampā
18 jēnqa ampā jēnqelie ampā
19 vōre ampā vollie ampā
20 lantēpsa lantīblie, -ior
21 mēre lantepsā
22 lanta lantepsā
23 hāre lantepsā
24 izula lantepsā
25 tōma lantepsā
26 bȳre lantepsā
27 sīkuda lantepsā
28 jēnqa lantepsā
29 vōre lantepsā
30 hārēpsa hārīblie, -ior
40 izulēpsa izulīblie, -ior
50 tōmēpsa tōmīblie, -ior
60 bȳrēpsa bȳrīblie, -ior
70 sīkudēpsa sīkudīblie, -ior
80 jēnqēpsa jēnqīblie, -ior
90 vōrēpsa vōrīblie, -ior
100 gār gallie, -ior
200 langār langallie, -ior
300 hārgār hārgallie, -ior
400 zūgār zūgallie, -ior
500 tōngār tōngallie, -ior
600 bȳrgār bȳrgallie, -ior
700 sīgār sīgallie, -ior
800 jēngār jēngallie, -ior
900 vōrgār vōrgallie, -ior
1,000 pyrys pyrȳzlie, -ior


Information about counting in High Valyrian

Information about High Valyrian | Numbers | Tengwar script for High Valyrian

Numbers in constructed languages

Dothraki, High Valyrian, Klingon, Laala, Lojban, Quenya, Solresol, Toki Pona

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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