Numbers in North Frisian

How to count in North Frisian (Frasch / Fresk), a variety of Frisian spoken in North Frisia, part of Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany.

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal Ordinal
0 nul  
1 iinj / ian iarst
2 tou / tau öler
3 tri / trii traad
4 fjouer / fjauer fjuard
5 fiiw füft
6 seeks seekst
7 soowen / sööwen sööwenst
8 oocht / aacht aachst
9 nüügen / njüügen njüügenst
10 tiin / tjiin tjiinst
11 alwen  
12 tweelwen  
13 tratäin  
14 fjirtjin  
15 füftäin  
16 seekstäin  
17 soowentäin  
18 oochttäin  
19 nüügentäin  
20 twunti  
21 iinjäntwunti  
22 touäntwunti  
23 triäntwunti  
24 fjoueräntwunti  
25 fiiwäntwunti  
26 seeksäntwunti  
27 souwentwunti  
28 oochtäntwunti  
29 nüügenäntwunti  
30 dörti  
40 fäärti  
50 füfti  
60 süsti  
70 sööwenti  
80 tachenti  
90 näägenti  
100 hunert  
200 touhunert  
300 trihunert  
400 fjouerhunert  
500 fiiwhunert  
600 seekshunert  
700 soowenhunert  
800 oochthunert  
900 nüügenhunert  
1,000 duusend  
10,000 tiinduusend  

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Details of North Frisian numbers

Download a spreadsheet of numbers in Germanic languages (provided by Yoshi Smart)

Information about North Frisian | Phrases (Mooring Frisian) | Phrases (Sylt Frisan) | Numbers (Mooring Frisian) | Numbers (Sylt Frisan)

Numbers in Germanic languages

Afrikaans, Alsatian, Bavarian, Cimbrian, Danish, Dutch, Elfdalian, English, Faroese, Frisian (East - Saterland), Frisian (North - Mooring), Frisan (North - Sylt), Frisian (West), German, Gothic, Gottscheerish, Gronings, Hunsrik, Icelandic, Limburgish, Low German, Luxembourgish, Mòcheno, Norn, Norwegian, Old English, Old Norse, Pennsylvania German / Dutch, Proto-Germanic, Scots, Shetlandic, Swabian, Swedish, Swiss German, Värmlandic, West Flemish, Wymysorys, Yiddish, Yola, Zeelandic

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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