Puroik numbers

How to count in Puroik/Sulung, a language spoken in Arunachal Pradesh in northeast India, and in Lhünzê County in Tibet. It is either an Austroasiatic language, or a language isolate.

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal Ordinal
0 alak  
1 hui, huui abaid
2 nyi akung
3 i’k, ek ei’kdala
4 wai, vei whai
5 u, uu  
6 rei, rai’  
7 lie, liye’  
8 la  
9 dongge, doongye’  
10 suek, suait  
11 suela hui, suait lait huui  
12 suelanyi, suait lait nyi  
13 suela i’k, suait lait ek  
14 suelawei, suait lait vei  
15 suela u, suait lait uu  
16 suela rei, suait lait rai’  
17 suela lie, suait lait liye’  
18 suela la, suait lait la  
19 suela dongge, suait lait doongye’  
20 suenyi, suait nyi  
30 sue ik, suait ek  
40 suewui, suait vei  
50 sue u, suaik-u  
60 suéwrei, suait rei’  
70 sue le, suait liye’  
80 sue la, suait la  
90 sue dongge, suait doongye’  
100 lang, leeng  
101 linghuila hui  
1,000 jar, jaar  
once hiang la  
twice saknyipa  
thrice sak ei’kla  


Information provided by Wolfgang Kuhl

Information about Puroik

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numbers in language isolates

Adaizan, Ainu, Basque, Burushaski, Chitimacha, Eskayan, Haida, Karuk, Keres, Kunza, Nivkh, Puroik/Sulung, Tunica, Warao, Yuchi / Euchee, Zakhring, Zuni

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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