Isthmus Zapotec numbers

How to count in Isthmus Zapotec (Diidxazá), a Zapotecan language spoken in Oaxaca in southern Mexico.

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal Ordinal
1 tobi [tobi] primero
2 chupa [tʃupːǎ] biropa (past)
guiropa (future)
3 chonna [tʃonːǎ] bionna (past)
guionna (future)
4 tapa [tapːa] bidapa (past)
guidapa (future)
5 gaayu’ [ɡaˀayuʔ]
6 xhoopa’ [ʃoˀopːaʔ]
7 gadxe [ɡadʒě]
8 xhono [ʃonːǒ]
9 ga’ [ɡaʔ]
10 chii [tʃiˀi]
11 chii ne tobi [tʃiˀbitobi]
12 chii ne chupa [tʃiˀbitʃupːǎ]
13 chii ne chonna [tʃiˀbitʃonːǎ]
14 chii ne tapa [tʃiˀbitapːa]
15 chii ne gaayu’ [tʃiˀbiɡaˀayuʔ]
16 chii ne xhoopa’ [tʃiˀbiʃoˀopːaʔ]
17 chii ne gadxe [tʃiˀbiɡadʒě]
18 chii ne xhono [tʃiˀbiʃonːǒ]
19 chii ne ga’ [tʃiˀbiɡaʔ]
20 gande [ɡandě]
21 gande ne tobi
22 gande ne chupa
23 gande ne chonna
24 gande ne tapa
25 gande ne gaayu’
26 gande ne xhoopa’
27 gande ne gadxe
28 gande ne xhono
29 gande ne ga’
30 gande chii
40 chupa late gande
50 chupa late gande chii
60 chonna late gande
70 chonna late gande chii
80 tapa late gande
90 tapa late gande chii
100 ti gayuaa
1,000 ti mil


From four onwards, Spanish ordinal numbers are generally used.

Hear some Isthmus Zapotec numbers:

Information about Isthmus Zapotec numbers

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Isthmus Zapotec | Numbers

Numbers in Oto-Manguean languages

Mazatec, Mixtec (Chayuco), Otomi (Sierra), Tlapanec (Malinaltepec), Zapotec (Aloápam), Zapotec (Choápam), Zapotec (Isthmus), Zapotec (Rincón)

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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