Romanian birthday songs

Here are some Romanian songs used to wish people a Happy Birthday. Usually they are sang in this order, one after another, on birthdays, on name days, and some people sing them on New Years Eve (the second one especially).

Birthday song 1

La mulţi ani,
cu sănătate,
să vă dea Domnul tot ce doriţi.
Zile senine
şi fericire
la mulţi ani, să trăiţi.


Happy birthday to you
with health
God may give you all that you wish
beautiful days
and happiness
happy birthday, live long.

Birthday song 2

Cine să trăiască?
Cine să trăiască?
La mulţi ani!
X să trăiască!
X să trăiască!
La mulţă ani!


Who is to live?
Who is to live?
Happy birthday!
[name] is living!
[name] is living!
happy birthday to you

La mulţă ani! is the Romanian phrase used to wish someone a happy birthday and literally means "many years [to you]"

Songs provided by Grecu Cristian

Birthday songs in other languages

Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Persian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Welsh

How to say "Happy Birthday" in many different languages

Other songs

Information about Romanian | Useful phrases | Silly phrases | Numbers | Family words | Time | Tower of Babel | Books about Romanian on: and [affilate links]


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