Wancho Wancho (𞋒𞋀𞋉𞋃𞋕)

The Wancho script was invented between 2001 and 2012 by Banwang Losu, a teacher from the Longding district in Arunachal Pradesh. His aim was to give the Wancho people their own script and a way to record and preserve their culture and language, which is traditionally transmitted orally. It is used to write Wancho, a Brahmaputran language spoken mainly in the Tirap district of Arunachal Pradesh in the northeast of India.

The Wancho script was added to Unicode in 2019. It is currently taught in some schools using a textbook published by Losu in 2013. Wancho is usually written with the Devanagari or Latin alphabets.

Notable features

Wancho script (Laizi / Laili)

Wancho script

Download alphabet charts for Wancho (Excel)

Sample text

𞋙𞋞𞋩𞋛𞋔 𞋉𞋞𞋮𞋎𞋀𞋮 𞋔𞋜𞋘𞋯 𞋐𞋀𞋞 𞋔𞋁𞋞 𞋋𞋁𞋘 𞋚𞋕𞋉𞋯 𞋃𞋁 𞋐𞋛𞋯 𞋔𞋁𞋮𞋉 𞋋𞋁𞋜𞋫 𞋘𞋢 𞋌𞋞𞋝𞋮 𞋇𞋁 𞋊𞋞𞋫 𞋃𞋁 𞋉𞋞𞋮𞋊𞋞𞋮, 𞋃𞋁 𞋃𞋀𞋮 𞋈𞋁𞋘 𞋅𞋕𞋜𞋮 𞋔𞋁 𞋃𞋁𞋜 𞋃𞋁 𞋉𞋀𞋞 𞋈𞋁 𞋋𞋁𞋜𞋫 𞋀 𞋊𞋁𞋐𞋜.

Translation by Banwang Losu

Transliteration (Devanagari alphabet)

खुञेक नुसा किम जाउ काउ ताम होन चा जे कान ताइः मोङ थुङ फा पुः चा नुपु, चा चा लाम गोइ का चाइ चा नाउ ला ताइः अ पाजि.

Transliteration (Latin alphabet)

Khunyek nusaa kim jaau kau tam hon ca je kan taiʔ mong thung pha puʔ ca nupu, ca caa lam goi ka cai ca naau la taiʔ aa paji.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Details provided by Biswajit Mandal (biswajitmandal[dot]bm90[at]gmail[dot]com)

Videos about the Wancho script


Information about Wancho


A-chik Tokbirim, Adinkra, ADLaM, Armenian, Avestan, Avoiuli, Bactrian, Bassa (Vah), Beitha Kukju, Beria (Zaghawa), Borama / Gadabuursi, Carian, Carpathian Basin Rovas, Chinuk pipa, Chisoi, Coorgi-Cox, Coptic, Cyrillic, Dalecarlian runes, Elbasan, Etruscan, Faliscan, Fox, Galik, Georgian (Asomtavruli), Georgian (Nuskhuri), Georgian (Mkhedruli), Glagolitic, Global Alphabet, Gothic, Greek, Irish (Uncial), Kaddare, Kayah Li, Khatt-i-Badí’, Khazarian Rovas, Koch, Korean, Latin, Lepontic, Luo Lakeside Script, Lycian, Lydian, Manchu, Mandaic, Mandombe, Marsiliana, Medefaidrin, Messapic, Mongolian, Mro, Mundari Bani, Nag Chiki, Naasioi Otomaung, N'Ko, North Picene, Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong, Odùduwà, Ogham, Old Church Slavonic, Oirat Clear Script, Ol Chiki (Ol Cemet' / Santali), Old Italic, Old Nubian, Old Permic, Ol Onal, Orkhon, Osage, Oscan, Osmanya (Somali), Pau Cin Hau, Phrygian, Pollard script, Runic, Székely-Hungarian Rovás (Hungarian Runes), South Picene, Sutton SignWriting, Sunuwar, Tai Viet, Tangsa, Todhri, Toto, Umbrian, (Old) Uyghur, Wancho, Yezidi, Zoulai

Other writing systems

Page last modified: 15.03.23


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