
The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9)

Màaya t'àan (Yucatec Maya)

Ba'ax úuch yéetel u x witzil najil Babel

  1. Ti' le kiino'obo' tuláacal yóokolcaabe' cu t'anic ca'ach chéen jun p'éelili' t'aan.
  2. Le ca j jóoko'ob te j lakin lu'umo', tu nuptáantajo'ob jun p'éel táax cúuchil tu lu'umil Sinar, ti' j p'áato'ob cajtal te'elo'
  3. Jun p'éel kiine' tu ya'alajo'ob tu baatzilo'ob: Co'ox beetic ladrillo'ob c dzu'uyquintico'ob yéetel káak. Bey túuno' meyajnaj ti'ob bey tuunichil le ladrillo'ob, yéetel asfalto bey bokoltbil luuke.
  4. Cu dzo'ocole' tu ya'alajo'ob: Nadzaba'ex, co'ox beetic jun p'éel noj caaj yéetel jun p'éel x witzil naj, ca kuchuc tac ca'an. Bey túuno' yaan u yantal ba'ax o'olal c ka'ajsa'al, u ti'al xan ma' u yantal ba'ax o'olal ki'itpajal yóok lu'um.
  5. Ba'ale' Yuumtzile' j éem u yil le noj caaj bey le x witzil naj cu beetico'ob ca'ach le wíinico'obo',
  6. ca tu tucultaj: Leti'obe' chéen jun p'éelili' caaj, chéen xan jun p'éelili' u t'aano'ob; let o'olal dzo'oc u chunico'ob le meyaja', bejela'a' túune' ti'olal mix ba'al bíin beetic u p'atico'ob.
  7. Utz yanil wa ca éemeco'on u ti'al ca c xa'akbes u t'aano'ob, u ti'al ma' u na'aticuba'ob.
  8. Bey túun úuchic u ki'itbesa'alo'ob tu yóokol lu'um tumen Yuumtzil, ca tu p'atajo'ob u beetico'ob le noj caajo'.
  9. Te j cúuchilo' Yuumtzile' tu xa'akbesaj u t'aano'ob tuláacal u cajnáalilo'ob lu'um, ti' líikbal u ki'itpajlo'ob ti' tuláacal yóokolcaab. Let o'olal tu kaaba'intaj Babel le noj caajo'

Source: Biblia Maya. Bible Society of Mexico, 1992.

Contributed by Wolfgang Kuhl

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Tower of Babel in Mayan Languages

Achi, Awakatek, Chʼol, Chorti, Chuj, Kaqchikel, Kʼicheʼ, Mam, Poqomchiʼ, Qʼanjobʼal, Qʼeqchiʼ, Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Yucatec Maya

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