Kirillitsunda (Кириллицунда)

Kirillitsunda was invented by Erlangga Saputra, an Indonesian student who is keen on adopting the writing system of classical and modern languages to write Sundanese. Kirillitsunda uses Russian letters, and some extra letters to represent sounds that do not exist in Russian. He got this idea while studying Russian from the internet, and he found out that it helped him in reading and writing Russian.



Download an alphabet chart for Kirillitsunda (Excel)

Sample text in Kirillitsunda

Сакумна ҹалма губраг ка алам дуня тэh сипатна мердика ҹыҥ бога мартабат катут hак-hак ану саруа. Маранэhна ибэрэ акал ҹыҥ hатэ нурани, чампур-гаул ҹыҥ сасамана ая дина сумаҥет дудулуран.


Sakumna jalma gubrag ka alam dunya téh sipatna merdika jeung boga martabat katut hak-hak anu sarua. Maranéhna ibéré akal jeung haté nurani, campur-gaul jeung sasamana aya dina sumanget duduluran.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Information about Sundanese | Sundanese script | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel

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