Useful phrases in Sundanese

A collection of useful phrases in Sundanese, a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken mainly in western Java in Indonesia.

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English Basa Sunda (Sundanese)
Welcome Wilujeng sumping
Hello (General greeting) Sampurasun
Rampés (reply)
How are you? Kumaha kabarna?
Kumaha damang?
Reply to 'How are you?' Pangéstu
Abdi Damang
Muhun, allhamdulillah séhat
Long time no see Tos lami teu pendak nya?
What's your name? Namina saha?
My name is ... Nami abdi ...
Where are you from? Kawitna ti manti?
I'm from ... Abdi ti ...
Pleased to meet you Bingah kapendak anjeun
Bingah tepang sareng anjeun
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Wilujeng énjing
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Wilujeng siang
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Wilujeng wengi
Good night Wilujeng kulem
(Parting phrases)
Abdi tipayun nya? (said by one leaving)
Mangga (reply)
Wilujeng angkat
Dugi patepang deui
Dugi kapendak deui
Good luck! Mugia sing hasil (frm)
Mugia sing suksés (frm)
Mugi sing hasil (frm)
Mugi sukses (frm)
Sing hasil (inf)
Sing sukses (inf) - must be preceded by another sentence
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Mugi dipasihan kaséhatan (vfrm)
Mugi sing séhat
Have a nice day Wilujeng dinten nu saé
("May you have a good day")
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Ditampi (said before eating)
Alhamdulillah (said after eating)
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Wilujeng angkat, sing salamet di jalan
("Happy travelling, may you have a safe trip")
I don't know Abdi teu terang
Teu terang
I understand Muhun ngartos
I don't understand Teu ngartos
Please speak more slowly Tiasa nyarios langkung laun?
Please say that again Tiasa diulang deui?
Please write it down Tiasa diserat?
Do you speak Sundanese? Anjeun tiasa nyarios Sunda?
Tiasa nyarios Sunda?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Tiasa, sakedik
I'm learning Sundanese Urang keur diajar Basa Sunda
How do you say ... in Sundanese? Kumaha nyarios .... ku basa Sunda?
Excuse me Punten
How much is this? Ieu téh sabaraha?
Sorry Hapunten
Hatur nuhun
Please Mangga
Thank you Nuhun
Hatur nuhun (frm)
Nuhun pisan
Reply to thank you Sami-sami
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Dupi jamban palih mana?
This gentleman will pay for everything Ieu bapa nu bade mayar sadayana
This lady will pay for everything Ieu ibu nu bade mayar sadayana
Would you like to dance with me? Tiasa ngibing sareng abdi?
I love you Abdi bogoh ka anjeun
Get well soon Mugi sing énggal damang
Leave me alone! Tinggalkeun abdi nyalira!
Help! Tulung!
Fire! Kahuruan!
Stop! Eureun!
Call the police! Panggil pulisi!
Christmas greetings Wilujeng Natal
New Year greetings Wilujeng taun enggal
Easter greetings Wilujeng paskah
Birthday greetings Wilujeng tepang taun
Congratulations! Gening!
One language is never enough Hiji basa tara cekap
My hovercraft is full of eels Kapal ngalayang abdi pinuh ku belut

Phrases and recordings provided by Jasaritin, with corrections by Syauqi Ahmad and R. Rineta Ayu Selandia

Download the audio files (Zip format, 1.35MB)

Hear some Sundanese phrases:

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Sundanese | Sundanese script | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel


Other collections of Sundanese phrases

Phrases in Malayo-Polynesian languages

Balinese, Banjar, Central Dusun, Chamorro (Guam dialect), Chamorro (North Marianas dialect), Coastal Kadazan, Fijian, Iban, Indonesian, Javanese, Malagasy, Malay, Māori, Palauan, Tetum, Yapese

Phrases in other languages


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