Colour words in Nepali

Words for colours in Nepali and some colour-related expressions.

  • रङ्ग (raṅga) [rʌ̃ŋɡʌ] – colour, amusement, skin colour

black कालो (kālo) [kälo] – black, dark. glum, sullen, a Black person


  • कालाबन्जार (kālābanjāra) – old-growth forest
  • कालीबोक्सी (kālīboksī) – bitch (pejorative, feminine)
  • कालीभीर (kālībhīra) – precipice, escarpment
  • कालीमाटी (kālīmāṭī) – black mud
  • कालीलहरो (kālīlaharo) – fodder
  • कालो चिया (kālo ciyā) [kälo t͡sijä] – black tea
  • कालो धन (kālo dhana) – black money
  • कालो कर्तुत (kālo kartuta) – deception
  • कालो कुकुर (kālo kukura) – bastard (pejorative, masculine)
  • कालो निलो (kālo nilo) – petrified
  • कालोपत्र (kālopatra) – asphalt
  • कालो बजार (kālo bajāra) – black market
  • कालो मसान (kālo masāna) – phantom, ghost
  • दालमा कालो हुनु (dālamā kālo hunu) – to sound fishy

white सेतो (seto) [set̪o] – white, blank, eggwhite

White is associated with purity, cleanliness, peace and knowledge. The highest social caste, the Brahmin, is associated with white. A Hindu widow would wear a white dress in mourning.


  • सेतो आतङ्क (seto ātaṅka) – ethnic violence
  • सेतो भालु (seto bhālu) – polar bear
  • सेतो दुबो (seto dubo) – fern
  • सेतो दुभी (seto dubhī) – vitiligo

red रातो (rāto) [rat̪o] – red, flushed

Red represents both significance and purity. It is the colour most frequently used for auspicious occasions like marriages, birth of a child, festivals and so on. A red coloured dress is put on deities who are charitable, brave and protective. The red colour on the Nepalese flag represents the bravery of the Gurkhas.

Shades and expressions:

  • रातो-रातो (rāto-rāto) – light red, pink
  • सिम्रिक (simrik) [sĩmrik] – crimson
  • गाढा रातो (gāḍhā rāto) [ɡäɽä ɾät̪o] – crimson
  • रातीगेडी (rātīgeḍī) – bankrupt
  • रातो टाटो (rāto ṭāṭo) – twilight
  • रातोपिरो (rātopiro) – robust, vigorous, healty, roseate
  • रातो मत्स्येन्द्रनाथ (rāto matsyendranātha) – Avalokiteśvara (bodhisattva of compassion)
  • रातो माटो – red mud
  • रातो मुख – red face, especially from embarrassment, anger, or shame

yellow पहेँलो (pahẽlo) – yellow, yellowed, spoiled (vegetables)

Yellow is the colour of knowledge and learning. It is associated with happiness, peace, meditation, competence and mental development. It is also believed to ward off evil spirits.


  • पहेँलो घाम (pahẽlo ghāma) – dusk

green हरियो (hariyo) [ɦʌɾijo] – green


  • कागती (kāgatī) [käɡʌt̪i] - lime (green)
  • गाढा हरियो (gāḍhā hariyo) [ɡäɽä ɦʌɾijo] - dark green
  • हरियोपरियो (hariyopariyo) – green vegetables

blue निलो (nilo) [nĩlo] – blue

Blue is associated with virility, bravery and determination, and also peace. The blue border of the Nepalese flag represents the peaceful nature of the Nepalese.

Shades and expressions:

  • अस्मानी (asmānī) [äsmä̃nĩ] – cyan
  • आकाशे (ākāśe) [äkäse] – cyan, sky blue
  • नीलबैजनी (nīlabaijanī) – periwinkle
  • कालो निलो (kālo nilo) – petrified
  • निलोत्पल (nilotpala) – Egyptian lotus
  • नीलकण्ठ (nīlakaṇṭha) – Shiva (one of the principal deities of Hinduism)
  • नीलगाई (nīlagāī) – Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus - a type of antelope)
  • नीलडाम (nīlaḍāma) – bruise
  • नीलमणि (nīlamaṇi) – blue sapphire

brown खैरो (khairo) – brown


  • खैरो पानी (khairo pānī) – alcohol

pink गुलाफी (gulāphī) [ɡuläbi] – pink


  • गुलाफी छेद (gulāphī cheda) – backbite

orange सुन्तले (suntale) – orange

grey खरानी (kharānī) – grey


  • खरानी दानी (kharānī dānī) – ashtray

purple बैजनी (baijanī) [bʌi̯d͡zʌ̃nĩ] – purple, violet, indigo, eggplant
जामुनी (jāmunī) [d͡zä̃mũnĩ] – purple, purplish

silver रजत (rajata) – silver


  • रजत जयन्ती (rajata jayantī) – silver jubilee

gold सुनौलो (sunaulo), स्वर्ण (svarṇa) – gold


  • स्वर्णकार (svarṇakāra) – goldsmith
  • स्वर्णकीट (svarṇakīṭa) – firefly
  • स्वर्णगिरि (svarṇagiri) – Sumeru Parbat (a mountain in northern India)
  • स्वर्ण जयन्ती (svarṇa jayantī) – golden jubilee
  • स्वर्ण दिवस (svarṇa divasa) – red-letter day
  • स्वर्णयुग (svarṇayuga) – golden age
  • स्वर्णाभ (svarṇābha) – golden glow

Other colours

  • मजेन्टा (majenṭā) [mʌ̃d͡zẽɳʈä] – magenta
  • नीलबैजनी (nīlabaijanī) – periwinkle

Details provided by Arnav Darnal

Hear some colour words in Nepali


Information about Nepali coloursकालो

Information about Nepali | Phrases | Numbers | Colours | Family Words | Tower of Babel

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