How to count in Hidatsa (Hiraaciré’), a Siouan language spoken mainly in North Dakota and South Dakota in the USA.
If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Numeral | Cardinal | Ordinal |
1 | nuwáca | íìcihga iicíhga |
2 | núùba | iiruhbáà |
3 | náàwii | iirahawíá |
4 | doobá | iidohbáà |
5 | gihxú | iigihxú |
6 | agaawá | iiˀagaawá |
7 | sáhbua | iisáhbua |
8 | núùbahbi | iirúùbahbi |
9 | nuwácahbi | iiruwácahbi |
10 | biragá | iibiragá |
11 | axbíruwaca | |
12 | axbíruuba | |
13 | axbíraawi | |
14 | axbídooba | |
15 | axbígihxu | |
16 | áxbagaawa | |
17 | axbísahbua | |
18 | axbíruubahbi | |
19 | axbíruwacahbi | |
20 | núhbaabiraga | |
21 | núhbaabiragag nuwáca* | |
22 | núhbaabiragag núùba | |
23 | núhbaabiragag náàwii | |
24 | núhbaabiragag doobá | |
25 | núhbaabiragag gihxú | |
26 | núhbaabiragag agaawá | |
27 | núhbaabiragag sáhbua | |
28 | núhbaabiragag núùbahbi | |
29 | núhbaabiragag nuwácahbi | |
30 | náhawiabiraga | |
40 | dohbáàbiraga dohbáhaabiraga |
50 | gihxúhaabiraga | |
60 | agaawáhaabiraga | |
70 | sáhbuhaabiraga | |
80 | núùbahbihaabiraga | |
90 | nuwácahbihaabiraga | |
100 | biragihdíà [hundred] biragihdíà nuwáca [one hundred] |
145 | biragihdíà nuwácag dohbáàbiragag gihxú | |
200 | biragihdíà núùba biragihdíàruuba |
300 | biragihdíàraawii | |
368 | biragihdíàraawiig agaawáhaabiragag núùbahbi | |
400 | biragihdíàdooba | |
500 | biragihdíà gihxú | |
600 | biragihdíà agaawá | |
700 | biragihdíà sáhbua | |
800 | biragihdíà núùbahbi | |
900 | biragihdíà nuwácahbi | |
1,000 | áhgagoori [thousand] áhgagoori nuwáca [one thousand] |
2,000 | áhgagoori núùba | |
3,000 | áhgagoori náàwii | |
4,000 | áhgagoori doobá | |
5,000 | áhgagoorigihxu | |
6,000 | áhgagoori agaawá | |
7,000 | áhgagoori sáhbua | |
8,000 | áhgagoori núùbahbi | |
9,000 | áhgagoori nuwácahbi | |
10,000 | áhgagoori biragá áhgagooribiraga |
20,000 | áhgagoori núhbaabiraga | |
30,000 | áhgagoori náhawiabiraga | |
40,000 | áhgagoori dohbáàbiraga | |
50,000 | áhgagoori gihxúhaabiraga | |
60,000 | áhgagoori agaawáhaabiraga | |
70,000 | áhgagoori sáhbuhaabiraga | |
80,000 | áhgagoori núùbahbihaabiraga | |
90,000 | áhgagoori nuwácahbihaabiraga | |
100,000 | áhgagoori biragihdíà áhgagoori biragihdíàruwaca |
once | nuwahcáà, nuwahcáhaa | |
twice | nuhbáà, nuhbáhaa | |
three times | nahawíá | |
four times | dohbáà, doobáhaa | |
five times | gihxúhaa | |
six times | agaawáhaa | |
seven times | sáhbuhaa | |
eight times | núùbahbihaa | |
nine times | nuwácahbihaa | |
ten times | biragáhaa |
*Numbers between decimals are formed by adding the coordinative suffix –g (and) to the decimal and the desired cardinal number from one to nine.
Source: Indrek Park. A GRAMMAR OF HIDATSA. Indiana University, May 2012.
Information provided by Wolfgang Kuhl
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Hidatsa | Numbers
Assiniboine, Biloxi, Chiwere, Crow, Dakota, Hidatsa, Ho-Chunk (Winnebago), Lakota, Mandan, Omaha, Osage, Quapaw, Stoney, Tutelo
Alphabetical index | Language family index
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