Quapaw numbers

How to count in Quapaw (O-gah-pah), a Siouan language spoken mainly in Quapaw in the northeast of Oklahoma in the USA.

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal
1 miⁿ-xti (mį́xti)
2 naⁿ-pa (ną́pa), noⁿ-pa (nǫ́pa)
noⁿ-ba (nǫ́ba)
3 da-bniⁿ (dábnį)
da-bni a-kniⁿ (dábni áknį),
4 to-wa (tówa)
5 sa-toⁿ (sátoⁿ)
sa-taⁿ (sáttą)
6 sha-pe (šappé)
7 pe-naⁿ-pa (ppénąpa)
8 pe-da-bniⁿ (ppedábnį)
pi-da-bniⁿ (ppidábnį)
pe-de-bnaⁿ (ppedébną)
9 shaⁿ-ka (šą́kka)
10 kde-bnaⁿ (kdébną), kde-bdaⁿ (kdebdą)
11 miⁿ-xti a-kniⁿ (mįxti aknį)
kde-bnaⁿ-taⁿ miⁿ-xti a-kniⁿ (kdébnąttą́ mí̜xti áknį)
12 naⁿ-pa a-kniⁿ (nąpá aknį)
13 da-bni a-kniⁿ (dábni áknį)
14 to-wa a-kniⁿ (tówa áknį)
15 sa-taⁿ a-kniⁿ (sáttą áknį)
16 sha-pe a-kniⁿ (šappé áknį)
17 pe-naⁿ-pa a-kniⁿ (ppénąpa áknį)
18 pe-da-bniⁿ a-kniⁿ (ppedábnį áknį)
19 shaⁿ-ka a-kniⁿ (šą́kka áknį)
20 kde-bna noⁿ-ba (kdébnanǫ́ba)
kde-bdaⁿ noⁿ-ba (kdebdąnǫba)
kde-bna noⁿ-ba (kdébnanǫ́ba)
kde-bdaⁿ noⁿ-ba (kdebdąnǫba)
30 kde-bdaⁿ da-bni (kdébdą dábni)
40 kde-bdaⁿ to-wa (kdébdą tówa)
50 kde-bdaⁿ sa-taⁿ (kdébdą sáttą)
60 kde-bnaⁿ sha-pe (kdébną šappé)
70 kde-bnaⁿ pe-naⁿ-pa (kdébną ppénąpa)
80 kde-bdaⁿ pe-da-bniⁿ (kdébdą ppedábnį)
90 kde-bna shaⁿ-ka (kdébną šą́kka)
100 kde-bdaⁿ hi zhi-ka miⁿxti (kdébdą hí žiká mį́xti)
kde-bdaⁿ i zi-ka (kdébdą í ziká)
kde-bdaⁿ hi zhi-ka (kdébdąhížiká)
kde-bdaⁿ hi (kdébdą hí)
1,000 kde-bdaⁿ hi te-ka (kdébdą hí tteká)
kde-bdaⁿ hi taⁿ-ka (kdébdą hi ttą́ka)
kde-bdaⁿ hi (kdébdą hí)
taⁿ-ka (ttą́ka)

Hear Quapaw numbers:


Information provided by Wolfgang Kuhl

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Quapaw | Numbers | Family words

Numbers in Siouan languages

Assiniboine, Biloxi, Chiwere, Crow, Dakota, Hidatsa, Ho-Chunk (Winnebago), Lakota, Mandan, Omaha, Osage, Quapaw, Stoney, Tutelo

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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