How to count in Old Irish, a form of Irish which first appeared in writing in about 700 AD and was used until about 900 AD. It is the ancestor of Modern Irish, Manx and Scottish Gaelic.
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Cardinal | Ordinal | |
1 | óen [oːi̯n] | cétnae [ˈkʲeːdn͈e] |
2 | dá [daː] | tánaise [ˈtaːnisʲe] |
3 | trí [tʲrʲiː] | tris [ˈtʲrʲis] |
4 | cethair [ˈkʲeθirʲ] | cethramad [ˈkʲeθraṽað] |
5 | cóic [koːɡʲ] | cóiced [ˈkoːɡʲeð] |
6 | sé [sʲeː] | seissed [ˈsʲesʲeð] |
7 | secht [sʲext] | sechtmad [sʲextṽað] |
8 | ocht [ˈoxt] | ochtmad [ˈoxtṽað] |
9 | noí [n͈oːi̯] | nómad |
10 | deich | dechmad |
20 | fiche [ˈfʲixʲe] | fichetmad |
30 | trícho [ˈtʲrʲiːxo] | tríchatmad |
40 | cethorcho | |
50 | coíca [ˈkoːi̯ɡa] | cóecatmad [ˈkoːi̯ɡadṽað] |
60 | sesca [ˈsʲeska] | sescatmad [ˈsʲeskadṽað] |
70 | sechtmoga | |
80 | ochtmoga | |
90 | nócha | |
100 | cét [kʲeːd] | cétmad [ˈkʲeːdṽað] |
Information Old Irish
Proto-Celtic, Celtiberian, Gaulish, Proto-Brythonic, Cumbric, Old Welsh, Middle Welsh, Welsh, Middle Cornish, Cornish, Old Breton, Middle Breton, Breton Old Irish, Middle Irish, Irish, Manx, Scottish Gaelic
Alphabetical index | Language family index
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