Numbers in Middle Breton

How to count in Middle Breton (Brezonec), a form of Breton spoken from about 1100 to 1650 AD.

Key to abbreviations: m = masculine, f = feminine

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  Cardinal Ordinal
1 vnan, unan, un, unn quentaff, c'henta, kenta
2 dou, deü (m)
diu (f)
dawet, daouet, daouvet
eyl, eil
3 tri, trei (m)
teir, teyr(f)
trede, tredez, tryde
4 peuar, puar, poar (m)
peder, pedir, pider (f)
pévarved, peüarved, péoarved (m)
pedervet (f)
5 pemp pemuet, pempvet, pempvèt, pempved
6 huech, huec, c'huec'h, chouech, hueh huechuet, huehuet, c'huec'hved
7 seiz, seyz, seih seizuet, seizüet, seizved, seihvet
8 eiz eizuet, aihuet, eizvet, eizved, eihvet
9 nau, nao, naou, naff, nauë, naü navet
10 dec, dêc, deg, dégeu, dek decuet, dekved
11 vnnec, vn nec, vnec, unnek, eunnek vnnecuet, vnec-vet, vnecuet, uinêcvèd
12 doudec, douzec, daouzec, deuzek douzecuet, deudecuet, daouzecvet
13 trizec, tryzec, tryzecq tridecuet, tryzecved, trizekved
14 peuarzec, pévarzecq, piarzeg peuardecuet, pevarzecvet, pévarzecqved
15 pemzec, pendec, pemzecq, pemzek pempzecqved, peemzecved, pemzekved, pemzeget
16 c'huezec, c'houezek c'houezekved
17 séyzecq, seizek  
18 trihuec'h, try-huec'h, tryhueh, tric'houec'h trihuéhvèt, triouc'hved, trivac'hved
19 nauntec, nantec, nandec naontecvet, nandecvèd, naontekved, naoñteget
20 vgent, uiguent, ugent ugentved
21 vnan varnuguent  
22 daou varnuguent  
23 tri varnuguent  
24 pevar varnuguent  
25 pemp varnuguent  
26 huech varnuguent  
27 seiz varnuguent  
28 eiz varnuguent  
29 nau varnuguent  
30 tricont, tregont, tregond  
40 dou vguent, daou-ugent  
50 hanter cant, hantercant, antercant hanter-cant-vet, hanter-c'hant-vet
60 triuguent, tryugent, trugueent, tri-ugent  
70 dec ha triuguent, dec ha tri vguent  
80 peuaruguent, pêver huguent, pévar uguent  
90 dec ha peuaruguent  
100 cant, cand  
120 huéh-huiguênnt, huéh-uguênt, c'houec'h ugent  
140 seih uiguent, seiz-uguent, seiz ugent  
160 eiz-ugënt, eiz-ugeñt, heiz-ugent  
180 nao ugent  
1.000 mil  


Information about Breton | Phrases | Numbers: Modern Breton, Middle Breton, Old Breton | Family words | Colours | Time | Weather words | Comparison of Celtic languages | Celtic cognates | Celtiadur | Tower of Babel | Breton courses on: and

Numbers in Celtic languages

Proto-Celtic, Celtiberian, Gaulish, Proto-Brythonic, Cumbric, Old Welsh, Middle Welsh, Welsh, Middle Cornish, Cornish, Old Breton, Middle Breton, Breton Old Irish, Middle Irish, Irish, Manx, Scottish Gaelic

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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