Numbers in Sakizaya

How to count in Sakizaya, an East Formosan language spoken mainly in Hualien County on the east coast of Taiwan.

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers
1 cacay [tsa.tsaj], cecay [tsə.tsaj], tinacay sakacacay
2 tusa [tu.ˈsa], tinusa sakatusa
3 tulu [tu.ˈlu], tinulu sakatulu
4 sepat [sə.ˈpat], lulu sakasepat
5 lima [li.ˈma], awmay sakalima
6 enem [ə.ˈnəm], tekelay sakaenem
7 pitu [pi.ˈtu], nimuyaw sakapitu
8 walu [wa.ˈlu], angiw sakawalu
9 siwa [si.ˈwa], putut sakasiwa
10 cacay a bataan [tsa.ˈtsaj a ba.ta.ˈan], teki'
11 sabaw cacay [sa.ˈbaw tsa.ˈtsaj]
12 sabaw tusa [sa.ˈbaw tu.ˈsa]
13 sabaw tulu [sa.ˈbaw tu.ˈlu]
14 sabaw sepat [sa.ˈbaw sə.ˈpat]
15 sabaw lima [sa.ˈbaw li.ˈma]
16 sabaw enem [sa.ˈbaw ə.ˈnəm]
17 sabaw pitu [sa.ˈbaw pi.ˈtu]
18 sabaw walu [sa.ˈbaw wa.ˈlu]
19 sabaw siwa [sa.ˈbaw si.ˈwa]
20 tusa a bataan
21 tusa bataan izaw ku cacay
22 tusa bataan izaw ku tusa
23 tusa bataan izaw ku tulu
24 tusa bataan izaw ku sepat
25 tusa bataan izaw ku lima
26 tusa bataan izaw ku enem
27 tusa bataan izaw ku pitu
28 tusa bataan izaw ku walu
29 tusa bataan izaw ku siwa
30 tulu a bataan
40 sepat a bataan
50 lima a bataan
60 enem a bataan
70 pitu a bataan
80 walu a bataan
90 siwa a bataan
100 cacay a lasubu
200 tusa a lasubu
1,000 cacay a malebut
10,000 mang, amang, emang

Hear some numbers (and other things) in Sakizaya:

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Sakizaya numbers

Information about Sakizaya | Numbers

Numbers in Formosan languages

Amis, Atayal, Bunun, Kanakanavu, Kavalan, Paiwan, Pazeh, Puyuma, Rukai, Saaroa, Saisiyat, Sakizaya, Seediq, Tsou

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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