How to count in Sio, a member of the Oceanic branch of the Malayo-Polynesian language family spoken in Morobe Province in Papua New Guinea.
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Numeral | Cardinal numbers |
1 | taitu |
2 | rua |
3 | ŋato |
4 | ŋapa |
5 | lima |
6 | lima kanaŋo taitu (5+1) |
7 | lima kanaŋo rua (5+2) |
8 | lima kanaŋo ŋato (5+3) |
9 | lima kanaŋo ŋapa (5+4) |
10 | saŋao |
11 | saŋao kanaŋo taitu (10+1) |
12 | saŋao kanaŋo rua (10+2) |
13 | saŋao kanaŋo ŋato (10+3) |
14 | saŋao kanaŋo ŋapa (10+4) |
15 | saŋao kanaŋo lima (10+5) |
16 | saŋao kanaŋo lima kanaŋo taitu (10+5+1) |
17 | saŋao kanaŋo lima kanaŋo rua (10+5+2) |
18 | saŋao kanaŋo lima kanaŋo ŋato (10+5+3) |
19 | saŋao kanaŋo lima kanaŋo ŋapa (10+5+4) |
20 | tamâta taitu (lit. one person) |
21 | tamâta taitu kanaŋo taitu |
22 | tamâta taitu kanaŋo rua |
23 | tamâta taitu kanaŋo ŋato |
24 | tamâta taitu kanaŋo ŋapa |
25 | tamâta taitu kanaŋo lima |
26 | tamâta taitu kanaŋo lima kanaŋo taitu (20+5+1) |
27 | tamâta taitu kanaŋo lima kanaŋo rua (20+5+2) |
28 | tamâta taitu kanaŋo lima kanaŋo ŋato (20+5+3) |
29 | tamâta taitu kanaŋo lima kanaŋo ŋapa (20+5+4) |
30 | tamâta taitu kanaŋo saŋao (20+10) |
40 | tamâta rua (lit. two persons, 20x2) |
50 | tamâta rua kanaŋo saŋao (20x2+10) |
60 | tamâta ŋato (lit. 3 persons, 20x3) |
70 | tamâta ŋato kanaŋo saŋao (20x3+10) |
80 | tamâta ŋapa (lit. 4 persons, 20x4) |
90 | tamâta ŋapa kanaŋo saŋao (20x4+10) |
100 | tamâta lima (lit. five persons, 20x5) |
121 | tamâta lima kanaŋo tamâta taitu kanaŋo taitu (100+20+1) |
200 | tamâta tamâta (lit. person person) |
The Sio counting system is a base-five system which has an element of body part counting. The numbers up to and including five, the 10 and 20, each have a unique name. All other numbers represent combinations of these terms, with the word “kanaŋo” linking the terms. Outside of the counting system, this word is a noun that means “fruit” or “product of”, so within the numbering system it can be roughly translated as “produces”.
It should be emphasized that this original numbering system is rapidly being replaced by the English system. The original numbers are likely to be used up through 10, and may be used up to 20; but beyond this point, only a few older speakers retain the original counting system.
Source: Steven and Dawn Clark. Sio Grammar Essentials. SIL, Ukarumpa, PNG, June 1987.
Information compiled by Wolfgang Kuhl
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Sio | Numbers
Adzera, Ahamb, Äiwoo, Aneityum, Apma, Araki, Are, Avava, Babatana, Bariai, Big Numbas, Bola, Cheke Holo, Daakaka, Dorig, Fijian, Hiw, Hoava, Kara, Kokota, Kove, Lakon, Lewo, Lote, Lo-Toga, Manam, Maskelynes, Mavea, Mussau-Emira, Mwotlap, Nafsan, Nahavaq, Namakura, Nduke, Neve‘ei, North Efate, Nume, Paama, Papapana, Rotuman, Roviana, Siar, Sio, Sobei, Sursurunga, Tigak, Tamambo, Ubir, Ughele, Vitu, Yapese
Alphabetical index | Language family index
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