Weather words and weather-related expressions in Mandarin Chinese with English equivalents.
普通话 / 國語 / 華語 | English |
天气 [天氣] (tiānqì) | the weather |
天气预报 [天氣預報] (tiānqì yùbào) | weather forecast |
今天的天气预报怎么说? [今天的天氣預報怎麼說?] (jīntiān de tiānqì yùbào zěnme shuō?) |
What’s the weather forecast for today? |
天气怎么样? [天氣怎麼樣? ] (tiānqì zěnme yàng?) 天气如何? [天氣如何?] (tiānqì rúhé) |
What's the weather like? |
明天天气怎么样? [明天天氣怎麼樣?] (míngtiān tiānqì zěnme yàng?) |
What will the weather be like tomorrow? |
天气很热 [天氣很熱] (tiānqì hěn rè) | It’s hot |
天气温暖 [天氣溫暖] (tiānqì wēnnuǎn) | It’s warm |
天气寒冷 [天氣寒冷] (tiānqì hánlěng) | It's cold |
天气凉 [天氣凉] (tiānqì liáng) | It's cool |
气温 [氣溫] (qìwēn) | temperature |
今天的温度是多少? [今天的溫度是多少?] (jīntiān de wēndù shì duōshǎo?) |
What’s the temperature today? |
度 (dù) | degrees (celsius) |
天晴 (tiānqíng) | It's clear |
天气很好 [天氣很好] (tiānqì hěn hǎo) | It's nice (weather) |
天气不好 (tiānqì bùhǎo) | It's bad weather |
天气很恶劣 [天氣很惡劣] (tiānqì hěn èliè) | It's miserable weather |
天气很糟糕 [天氣很糟糕] (tiānqì hěn zāogāo) | It's terrible weather |
天气潮湿 [天氣潮濕] (tiānqì cháoshī) | It's humid |
风 [風] (fēng) | wind |
今天刮风 [今天刮風] (jīntiān guā fēng) | It's windy |
和风 [和風] (héfēng) | breeze |
微风 [微風] (wēifēng) | light breeze |
清风 [清風] (qīngfēng) | cool breeze |
秋风送爽 [秋風送爽] (qiūfēng sòng shuǎng) | cool autumn breeze |
暖风 [暖風] (nuǎnfēng) | warm breeze |
强风 [强風] (qiángfēng) | strong breeze |
海风 [海風] (hǎifēng) | sea breeze, sea wind |
疾风 [疾風] (jífēng), 大风 [大風] (dàfēng) | strong wind, gale |
暴风 [暴風] (bàofēng) | storm wind, storm (force 11) |
旋风 [旋風] (xuànfēng) | whirlwind, tornado |
龙卷 [龍捲] (lóngjuǎn) | tornado, waterspout, twister |
龙卷风 [龍捲風] (lóngxuànfēng) | tornado, hurricane, cyclone |
台风 [颱風] (táifēng) | typhoon |
飓风 [颶風] (jùfēng) | hurricane |
太阳 [太陽] (tàiyáng) | sun |
天气晴朗 [天氣晴朗] (tiānqì qínglǎng) | It's sunny |
天空 (tiānkōng) | sky |
云 [雲] (yún) | cloud |
今天阴天 [今天陰天] (jīntiān yīn tiān) | It's cloudy |
薄雾 [薄霧] (bówù) | mist |
有薄雾 [有薄霧] (jīntiān yǒu bówù) | It's misty |
雾 [霧] (wù) | fog |
今天有雾 [今天有霧] (jīntiān yǒu wù) | It's foggy |
雨 (yǔ) | rain |
下雨 (xià yǔ) | It's raining |
小雨 (xiǎoyǔ) | light rain, drizzle |
烟雨 [煙雨] (yānyǔ) | misty rain, drizzle |
大雨 (dàyǔ) | heavy rain |
暴雨 (bàoyǔ) | torrential rain, rainstorm |
下傾盆大雨 [下倾盆大雨] (xìa qīngpén dàyǔ) | It’s raining heavily (“Basin-bending big rain is falling”) |
雪 (xuě) | snow |
下雪 (xià xuě) | It's snowing |
冰雹 (bīngbáo) | hail |
雨夹雪 (yǔjiāxuě) | sleet |
冰 (bīng) | ice |
今天特别冷 (jīntiān tèbié lěng) | It's freezing |
雷 (léi) | thunder |
雷雨 (léiyǔ) | thunderstorm |
闪电 [閃電] (shǎndiàn) | lightning |
暴风雨 [暴風雨] (bàofēngyǔ) | storm, rainstorm, tempest |
有暴风雨 [有暴風雨] (yǒu bàofēngyǔ) | It's stormy |
彩虹 (cǎihóng) | rainbow |
暴风雨 [暴風雨] | storm, rainstorm, tempest |
温度 [溫度] (wēndù) | temperature |
Here are some idioms related to the weather and/or feature weather-related words:
普通话 / 國語 / 華語 | English |
乘风破浪 [乘風破浪] (chéngfēngpòlàng) | to have high ambitions (“ride the wind and waves”) |
一帆风顺 [一帆風順] (yīfānfēngshùn) | smooth sailing, have a nice trip (“propitious wind throughout the journey”) |
乘风 [乘風] (chéng fēng) | to take an opportunity (“ride the wind”) |
风和日丽 [風和日麗] (fēnghérìlì) | fine sunny weather, esp. in springtime (“moderate wind, beautiful sun”) |
风雨同舟 [風雨同舟] (fēngyǔtóngzhōu) | through thick and thin, to stick together in hard times (“wind rain same boat”) |
风雨 [風雨] (fēngyǔ) | trials and hardships, the elements (“wind and rain”) |
雨过天晴 [雨過天晴] (yǔguòtiānqíng) | every cloud has a silver lining (“sky clears after rain”) |
风雨飘摇 [風雨飄搖] (fēngyǔpiāoyáo) | (of a situation) unstable (“tossed about by the wind and rain”) |
雷声大雨点小 (léishēng dàyǔ diǎn xiǎo) | his bark is worse than his bite (“loud thunder little rain”) |
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