These phrases come mainly from phrasebooks and language courses. Some of them are intended to illustrate particular grammatical points, others I just found amusing. Finding occasions to use them might be quite challenging, but you'll probably have fun trying. Maybe you could use them as ice breakers, chat-up lines, as part of a comedy routine, or for some surreal conversations.
Belarusian | Breton | Cebuano | Cherokee | Chinese | Cornish | Czech | Danish | Dutch | Esperanto | Finnish | French | German | Greek | Haida | Hawaiian | Hebrew | Hindi | Hungarian | Icelandic | Indonesian | Irish (Gaelic) | Italian | Japanese | Jèrriais | Kannada | Lakhota | Latin | Laz | Lojban | Manx | Old Norse | Polish | Portuguese | Quenya | Romanian | Russian | Samoan | Scottish Gaelic | Serbian | Shanghainese | Sindarin | Slovenian | Spanish | Swahili | Swedish | Tahitian | Tamil | Tibetan | Turkish | Urdu | Uzbek | Welsh
Куды зьнiклi
ўсе мае грошы?
(Kudy z'nikli use maje hrošy?)
Where did all my money disappear to?
Калi ласка,
мне паболей
(Kali laska, pakladzice mne pabolej bul'by.)
More potatoes, please.
Information about Belarusian | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel
Belarusian language resources on Amazon
Learn Belarusian with Glossika
Sot oc'h gant ar bino`?
Are you fond of bagpipes?
Gouzout a ran ober krampouezh.
I know how to make pancakes.
Information about Breton | Phrases | Numbers: Modern Breton, Middle Breton, Old Breton | Family words | Colours | Time | Weather words | Comparison of Celtic languages | Celtic cognates | Celtiadur | Tower of Babel | Breton courses on: and
Gusto kung mosakay sa kabaw.
I want to ride on a water buffalo.
Information about Cebuano | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel
(hilaiyv gvnisgo guwaya)
When do huckleberries get ripe?
(svgi inageehi giniyaluga)
Let's go hunt for some wild onions.
Information about Cherokee | Phrases | Numbers | Cherokee courses on: and [affilate links]
(fǎndòngpài zǒng yǐwéi zìjǐ liǎobùqǐ, qíshí bùguò shì zhǐlǎohǔ)
The reactionaries always think they are terrific,
but in fact they are just paper tigers
Information about Mandarin | Phrases | Numbers | Colours | Family words | Terms of endearment | Time | Weather | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Articles | Links | Learning materials
An teeack reeg derevall kea.
The farmer is building a hedge.
Yma pluven a-ji dhe'n lyver.
There's a pen inside the book.
Eus jynn-skrifa war an desk?
Is there a typewriter on the desk?
An byskadoryon yw parys lemmyn.
The fishermen are ready now.
Information about Cornish | Phrases | Numbers: Revived Cornish, Middle Cornish | Colours | Family words | Terms of endearment | Colours | Time | Weather words | Comparison of Celtic languages | Celtic cognates | Celtiadur | Tower of Babel | My podcast about Cornish | Cornish courses on: and [affilate links]
Il y a un singe qui vole dans l'arbre.
There's a flying monkey in the tree.
Où est le placard?
Where's the wardrobe?
Je vais demander à ces paysans qui viennent au-devant de nous,
si le chemin par où ils ont passé est mauvais.
I shall ask these peasants who are coming towards us,
if the road by which they have come is bad
Je suis desolé de vous quitter, mais je dois acheter un chapeau.
I am sorry I have to leave you, but I must buy a hat.
Information about French | Phrases | Numbers | Family words | Terms of endearment | Idioms | Colours | Time | Weather words | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Articles | Links | French learning materials
Άβρως χορευσουσιν αἱ γυναικες περι το δενδρον.
(Abrōs khoreusousin ai gunaikes peri to dendron.)
The women will dance delicately round the tree.
Ο δρακος επιμενει να θυσιάσουν μια κοπελα αλλιως θα καψει το χωριο.
(O drakos epimenei na thysiásoun mia kopela allios tha kapsei to chorio.)
The dragon insists we sacrifice a maiden otherwise he will burn the village to the ground.
Information about Greek | Phrases | Numbers | Family words | Time | Idioms | Proverbs | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Articles | Links | Learning materials | Books about the Greek alphabet
Sgíw uu hl xiláadaang.
I am drying some seaweed.
Ḵ’algáayst uu hl istgán
I got it from the swamp
Information about Haida | Numbers in Haida
Ha'aheo no paha 'oe i kena papale kupalaka, pehea la.
You must be very proud of your large hat.
Information about Hawaiian | Phrases | Numbers | Family words | Tower of Babel |
यह आदमी
चालाक लगता
Yah ādmī cālāk lagtā haĩ.
This man appears to be cunning.
मेज़ के नीचे
बिल्ली है।
Āpke mez ke nīce billī hai.
There is a cat under your table.
मैं सिर्फ़
बंगाली गीत
गा सकता हुँ।
Maĩ sirf Bangālī gīt gā saktā hũ.
I can only sing Bengali songs.
कित्ना आटा
Āpko kitnā āṭā cāhie?
How much flour do you want?
बेईमान है।
Merā dūdhvālā beīmān hai.
My milkman is dishonest.
Information about Hindi | Phrases | Numbers | Kinship words | Time | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Learning materials | Electronic dicitonaries and translators
הגבר והחתול שלו רוקדים.
(hagever v'hakhatul shlo rokdim)
The man and his cat dance.
הבננה שלי בכיס.
(habananah shley bachis)
My banana is in the pocket.
לגברים יש חלב!
(lagebrem yish khelev)
Men have milk.
החתול אוהב גבינות!
(hakhatul ohev g'vina)
The cat likes cheese.
הברווזה שלי לא רוצה לאכול אתכם.
(aberweze shley lo whati lachol athachm)
My duck does not want to eat you.
Hebrew phrases provided by Sierra Hunt
Information about Hebrew | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Tower of Babel | Articles | Hebrew links | Hebrew learning materials
Miért nevet - annyira rosszul beszélek magyarul?
Why are you laughing - is my Hungarian that bad?
Information about Hungarian | Székely-Hungarian Rovás (Hungarian Runes) | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Learning materials
Veistu um bílalúgu þar sem ég get keypt svið og jarðepplamauk?
Do you know about a drive-through where I can buy a take-out sheep’s head and mashed potatoes?
Information about Icelandic | Phrases | Numbers | Colours | Family words | Time | Terms of endearment | Idioms | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Learning materials
Maaf, Nona. Ada bebek di atas kepala anda.
Excuse me miss, there's a duck on your head.
Information about Hungarian | Székely-Hungarian Rovás (Hungarian Runes) | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Learning materials
Pionta Guinnes le do thoil.
A pint of Guinness, please.
Tá póit orm
I have a hangover.
Nár fhág sé a chlaíomh ar an mbord?
Didn't he leave his sword on the table?
Ar thit Bricriu ar an gcarn bruscair?
Did Bricriu fall on the rubbish heap?
Ní roghnóidh mé an taobh dorcha riamh.
I will never choose the dark side.
Tá an leon thuas ar bharr an chnoic.
The lion is on top of the hill.
Léann na lachan na nuachtán.
The ducks read the newspaper.
Tá gruaig rua air, ach an bhfuil an leipreachán saibhir?
He has red hair, but is the leprechaun rich?
Irish language | Gaelic script | Ogham alphabet | Phrases | Numbers: Modern Irish, Middle Irish, Old Irish | Colours | Family words | Terms of endearment | Time | Dates | Weather | Proverbs | Comparison of Celtic languages | Celtic cognates | Celtiadur | Tower of Babel | Tongue twisters | Songs | Learning materials | Books about Ogham | My podcast about Irish | Links
Voglio chiedere a quei contadini che vengono alla volta nostra, se per dove sono passati, è cattiva la strada.
I shall ask these peasants who are coming towards us, if the road by which they have come is bad
Io sono il bufone dall'incredibile faccia.
I am the clown with the incredible face.
La migrazione dell'anguilla europea è un mistero per la scienza.
The migratory pattern of the european eel is a mystery to science.
Non ricordo il prezzo della carta da lettere.
I don't recall the price of a box of stationery
Se devi tagliarti le unghie dei piedi, vai via dalla cucina, per favore.
If you must clip your toenails now, kindly leave the kitchen.
Information about Italian | Phrases | Family words | Terms of endearment | Colours | Numbers | Time | Weather words | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Articles | Links | Learning materials
Ch'est eune vaque Jèrriaise!
It's a Jersey cow!
Information about Jèrriais | Phrases | Numbers
ಪುತಕ ವುರಲ್ಲಿ ಇದೆಯಾ?
Putaka vuradalli ideyā?
Is the book in the tree?
ಅದು ಬಾಗಿಲಾ ಕಿಟಿಕಿಯಾ?
Adu bāgilā kiṭikiyā?
Is that a door or a window?
Information about Kannada | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel
Šúŋkawakĥáŋ kiŋ lé iwáču kte.
I will take this horse.
Wíŋyaŋ oĥ’áŋniwašte.
You are a woman of good manners.
Information about Lakota | Phrases | Numbers | Lakota and Dakota learning materials
Si hoc legere scis, nimium eruditionis habes.
If you can read this, you have too much education.
Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?
Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you just happy to see me?
Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert.
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
Latin alphabet | Latin language | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Tower of Babel | Articles | Links | Learning materials
Latin language resources on Amazon
ბიბი მწხულიქ ოჭკადუ (Bibi mǯxulik oç̌ǩadu)
The duck eats the pear
მუთი ვარ ონ ჰა ვარ გიჩქინი (Muti var on ha var giçkini)
There is nothing I don’t know
ჟურკუჩხონი ჲეთიმი ჩეტე ოთხო ფაა ჯუმაჩხაიშე
(Jurǩuçxoni yetimi çet̆e otxo paa cumaçxaişe)
The two-footed orphan is naughty four times on Wednesday
Laz phrases provided by Ethan Hunt
Information about Laz | Phrases | Numbers
.i xu do ba'o kavbu lo pavyseljirna / .i xu do kavbu lo pavyseljirna ba'o
Have you caught that Unicorn yet?
Information about Lojban | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel
Vel oo er chur sheese yn skeddan ayd foast mleeaney?
Have you salted your herring this year yet?
Ta'n aspick scughey dy tessanagh.
The bishop moves diagonally.
Information about Manx | Phrases | Numbers | Colours | Family words | Colours | Time | Idioms | Proverbs | Terms of endearment | Comparison of Celtic languages | Celtic cognates | Celtiadur | Songs | Tower of Babel | The decline and revival of Manx | My podcast about Manx | Links | Learning materials
ᛁᚴ᛬ᛋᛁ᛬ᛋᚢᛅᚴᛅᚾ᛬ᛘᛅᚾ᛬ᛏᛅᚴᛅ᛬ᚢᛋᛏ (Ek sé svangan mann taka ost)
I see a hungry man take some cheese.
ᛏᚢᛁᚱᚴᛅᚱᚾᛁᚱ᛬ᚠᚢᚱᛅ᛬ᚴᚢᚾᚢᚴᛁᚾᚢᛘ᛬ᚴᚢᛚᛏᛅᚾ᛬ᛒᛅᚢᚴ (Dvergarnir foera konunginum gylltan baug)
The dwarves bring the king a golden ring.
Information about Old Norse | Numbers | Tower of Babel | Learning materials
Te dzieci siedzą pod tym drzewem i uczą się fizyki.
The children are sitting under the tree and learning physics.
Nikt nie interesuje się współczesną poezją na tej wyspie.
Nobody's interested in modern poetry on the island.
Information about Polish | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Terms of endearment | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Learning materials
Entrou na casa e viu os chapéus no benguleiro.
He entered the house and saw the hats in the hat stand.
Onde é a embaixada timorense mais próxima?
Where is the nearest East Timorese embassy?
Eu queria um outro pedacinho de Apfelstrudel, por favor.
I would like another piece of Apfelstrudel, please.
Eu queria meu cafezinho só um pouquinho mais quentinho.
I would like my coffee a little hotter.
A cama do meu marido está cheia de areia preta. Porquê?
My husband's bed is full of black sand. Why?
Information about Portuguese | European Portuguese phrases | Brazilian Portuguese phrases | Family words | Numbers | Time | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Articles | Links | Learning materials
Yulmanye miruvóreva alantie talanna. Nyerinyes.
My cup of miruvor has fallen to the floor. I am sorry.
Information about Quenya | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel
Ua o'u sau e fa'atau le pua.
I have come to sell a pig.
Pe avatu ai lau seleni?
Shall I give you a shilling for it?
O'u te fa'atau talo e mata tolu.
I have thirty heads of taro to sell.
Pe tele ni lupe i le vao nei?
Are there many pigeons in this bush?
Information about Samoan | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel | Books about Samoan on: and [affilate links]
Моја тетка нe воли сир, али одлично свира саксофон
(Moja tetka ne voli sir, ali odlično svira saksofon)
My aunt hates cheese, but she plays saxophone quite well
Information about Serbian | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Tower of Babel | Books about Serbian on: and [affilate links]
Learn Serbian with the Serbian Language Podcast
儂个衣帽勿整齊 (Noong-kuh i-mau 'veh tsung-si)
Your clothes and hat are untidy
Information about Shanghainese | Phrases | Numbers | Books about Shanghainese on: and [affilate links]
Man i ven na Imladris?
Which way is it to Rivendell?
Gîl síla erin lû e-govaded vín.
A star shines upon the hour of our meeting.
Information about Sindarin | Phrases
Imate knjigo "Orgle na Slovenskem" v angleščini?
Do you sell the book "Pipe Organs in Slovenia" in English?
Information about Slovenian | Phrases | Tower of Babel | Books about Slovenian on: and [affilate links]
Safisha viatu yangu mara moja!
Clean my boots at once!
Huyu mchawi, ona chura katika kifuko yake!
That man is a witch-doctor, see the frog in his pocket!
Mimi naogopa nyoka, funga milango
I am afraid of snakes, fasten the door
Information about Swahili | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Tower of Babel | Books about Swahili on: and [affilate links]
'Ua haru te 'iore iti i te pata pa'ari i roto i tō'u mereti.
The mouse stole the cheese from my plate.
Information about Tahitian | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel
நீ ஒரு மேனச செய்வாயா?
(nī rimauca cēnayvāyā)
Can you make a table?
Source: Phrase book, or, Idiomatic exercises in English and Tamil. Arranged under serveral heads, with an index (Jaffna Book Society, 1841)
Information about Tamil | Arwi Arabic script for Tamil | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Family words | Tower of Babel | Books about Tamil on: Amazon.comand [affilate links]
Nga khenpo jel-dö yö.
I'd like to meet the abbot.
Nga saymong chig gö.
I need a squirrel.
Gongta di ngay chöloogdâng tüngee mindu.
I'm sorry, it's against my religion.
Information about Tibetan | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel | Books about Tibetan on: and [affilate links]
Dansöz olan bir yer var mı?
Is there anywhere we can go to see belly-dancing?
Lütfen pantolonunuzu verin.
Please give me your trousers.
Information about Turkish | Phrases | Numbers | Family words | Time | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Books about Turkish on: and [affilate links]
- - Learn Turkish with Free Audio and Video Lessons
- Learn Turkish online with Mondly
- Learn Turkish with Glossika
مير بندر چابي چينت حي
(Mera bandar chabbi cheenta hai)
My monkey steals my keys.
Information about Urdu | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Family words | Tower of Babel | Books about Urdu on: and [affilate links]
Gorbachevning boshida katta tug'ma xoli bor.
There is a large birthmark on Gorbachev's head.
Information about Uzbek | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel | Books about Uzbek on: and [affilate links]
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Other collections of 'useful' phrases
My hovercraft is full of eels | Stop the world, I want to get off! | Say cheese! | Colorless green ideas sleep furiously | I am the king of the chickens | So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish | Thingamajig
Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish German, Romanian, Russian, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, Swedish, Welsh
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