
The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9)


Ụlo-eli Babẹlu

  1. Ndu mgboko l'owhu shi ekfukota okfu-alị lanụ, olu-okfu whẹ shi bụru iwhe lanụ.
  2. O noo ya, ndiwhe bya ejeta rwua ụzo ẹnyanwu-awata, whẹ whụa ẹka dụ barịkiti l'alị Shina; whẹ je ebukobe l'ẹka ono.
  3. A nọnyaa whẹ sụ ibe whẹ: “Unu bya t'anyi yọo ẹja hụa ya l'ọku hụshia ya ike.” Ọ bụru ẹja, a yọru ayọ bẹ nọ-chiru whẹ ẹnya ẹwhuru. Whẹ wụa ya korota t'ọ bụru nkwo-ẹja.
  4. Whẹ sụ: “Unu bya t'anyi metaru onwanyị mkpụkpu. T'anyi tụa ụlo-eli, l'e-je asụ-kfuru l'igweli. Ọo ya bụ t'anyi bụru ndu a marụ ẹwha whẹ nke ọwhu anyi l'ẹte ejekashihu dzuru mgboko.”
  5. Tọ dụ iya bụ, Onye-Nwe-Ọha nyizeta t'ọ whụ mkpụkpu ono mẹe ụlo-eli ọbu, ụnwu-eliwhe l'atụ.
  6. Onye-Nwe-Ọha sụ: “Ndu-a bụkwa nnanụ, whẹ nweru okfu-alị lanụ. Ọ wa-a, whẹ l'eme bụkwadu awata bẹ whẹ watarụ iwhe whẹ l'e-bechaa mee. Ọ tọ dụkwa iwhe whẹ tụberu ememe, whẹ l'ẹte emekota.
  7. Unu bya t'anyi nyize je aghasweshia whẹ olu-okfu, t'iwhe ibe whẹ l'ekfu be edojehe whẹ ẹnya.”
  8. Ọo ya bụ, Onye-Nwe-Ọha bya achịkashia whẹ, whẹ dzuru mgboko, whẹ tụ-buhu mkpụkpu ono.
  9. O noo iwhe meru g'o gude e kua ya Babẹlu, o noo nkele ọo ẹka ono bẹ Onye-Nwe-Ọha ghasweshiru okfu ụnwu-eliwhe l'owhu. Ọ bụru l'ẹka ono bẹ Onye-Nwe-Ọha shi chịkashia whẹ, whẹ jekashihu dzuru mgboko l'owhu.

From: Baịbụl Nsọ – Nsụgharị Ụwa Ọhụrụ nke Akwụkwọ Nsọ

Source: Bayịburu Ezaa. Mbụlembu 11. The Holy Bible in Ezaa. Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. in cooperation with Abakaliki Literacy and Translation Trust. 2014.

Contributed by Wolfgang Kuhl

Ezaa is an Igbo language spoken in Ebonyi state in Nigeria by about 590,000 people.

More information about Ezaa

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