lshucid (Ⴇⴐⴊⴘⴓⴚⴈⴃ)

lshucid was devised by Mina McVinnie as an alternative way to write Salishan languages such as Lushootseed and Nuxalk using the Georgian Nuskhuri and Asomtavruli alphabets. These alphabets were chosen as they include letters for sounds that are found in both Georgian and Salishan languages, particularly ejectives.

The Salishan languages are spoken in western Canada and the north west of the USA, and are written with complex combinations of Latin letters, diacritics and IPA symbols. In the lshuchid alphabet there is a one-to-one correspondence between the sounds and letters.

Notable features

lshucid alphabet

lshucid alphabet

Download an alphabet chart for lshucid (Excel)

Sample text in Lushootseed

Ⴑⴈⴧⴑⴈⴧⴀⴁ ⴁⴭqⴀⴧtⴁⴈⴐ ⴧⴓⴖⴭⴚ. Ⴧⴭⴑⴛⴭⴏⴈⴊ ⴭⴊⴖⴭⴧ. Ⴧⴑⴇⴀⴊⴞ ⴭⴊⴖⴭⴧ ⴧⴑⴒⴓⴖⴓⴃ, ⴧⴑⴞⴭⴙⴁⴈⴃ ƛⴓⴁⴭⴐ ⴭⴊⴖⴭⴧ ⴑⴠⴓⴢⴈⴊⴑ ⴧⴀⴊⴧⴀⴊⴘ.


siʔsiʔab bəkʼʷaʔkʷbixʷ ʔugʷəc. ʔəsdᶻəw'il əlgʷəʔ . ʔəstalx̌ əlgʷəʔ ʔəst'ugʷud, ʔəsx̌əčbid ƛʼubexʷ əlgʷəʔ shuyils ʔalʔalš.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Information about Georgian | Mkhedruli alphabet | Nuskhuri alphabet | Asomtavruli alphabet | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel | Songs | Learning materials

Constructed scripts by Mina McVinnie

Blox, Canthai, lshucid, Salian, Stox

Constructed scripts for: Ainu | Arabic | Chinese languages | Dutch | English | Hawaiian | Hungarian | Japanese | Korean | Lingala | Malay & Indonesian | Persian | Tagalog / Filipino | Russian | Sanskrit | Spanish | Taino | Turkish | Vietnamese | Welsh | Other natural languages | Colour-based scripts | Tactile scripts | Phonetic/universal scripts | Constructed scripts for constructed languages | Adaptations of existing alphabets | Fictional alphabets | Magical alphabets | A-Z index | How to submit a constructed script


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