Skript Amażigħ is a way to write Maltese with the Neo-Tifinagh alphabet devised by Grunky Scripples.
The Neo-Tifinagh alphabet developed from the old Berber script and is used to write Berber languages in Morocco, Algeria, Mali and Niger. Maltese (Malti) is a Central Semitic language related to Arabic and spoken in Malta.
Download an alphabet chart for Skript Amażigħ (Excel)
L-Għaqda hija mibnija fuq is-siwi ta' għadir għall-ġieħ il-bniedem, ta' ħelsien, ta' għażil il-ġemgħa, ta' ndaqs bejn il-ġnus, tas-saltna tad-dritt u tal-għadir għall-ħaqq tal-bniedem, wkoll il-ħaqq ta' wħud li huma f'minoranzi. Dan is-siwi huwa mqassam bejn il-Pajjiżi Msieħba, f'nies li tħaddan il-kotrija, li ma tgħejjibx, li ddann, li tgħaqqad u li tiżen indaqs in-nisa u l-irġiel.
The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.
ⵉⵍⴱⵏⴻⴷⵎⵉⵏ ⴽⵧⵍⵍⵀⴰ ⵁⵉⵜⵡⵦⵍⴷⵓ ⵃⵦⵍⵙⴰ ⵓ ⵓⴳⵡⴰⵍⵉ ⴼⵉⴷⴷⵉⵏⵁⵉⵜⴰ ⵓ ⴷⴷⵔⵉⵜⵜⵉⵁⵦⵜ. ⵀⵓⵎⴰ ⵎⵧⵖⵏⵉⵁⴰ ⴱⵉⵔⵔⴰⴵⵓⵏⵉ ⵓ ⴱⵉⵍⴽⵓⵛⵁⴻⵏⵣⴰ ⵓ ⵖⴰⵏⴷⵀⵧⵎ ⵉⵏⴵⵉⴱⵓ ⵔⵓⵃⵀⵧⵎ ⵎⴰ ⵛⵓⵍⵛⵉⵏ ⴱⵉ ⵙⵒⵉⵔⵜⵓ ⵜⴰ ⴰⵃⵡⴰ.
Text provided by Zein Shbeeb
Il-bnedmin kollha jitwieldu ħielsa u ugwali fid-dinjità u d-drittijiet. Huma mogħnija bir-raġuni u bil-kuxjenza u għandhom inġibu ruħhom ma' xulxin bi spirtu ta' aħwa.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Information about the Tifinagh alphabet | Languages written with Tifinagh: Kabyle, Riffian, Shilha (Tashelhit), Siwi, Tamasheq, Tamazight, Tawallammat Tamajaq, Tayart Tamajeq
Information about Maltese | Phrases | Numbers | Family words | Tower of Babel | Learning materials
Constructed scripts for: Ainu | Arabic | Chinese languages | Dutch | English | Hawaiian | Hungarian | Japanese | Korean | Lingala | Malay & Indonesian | Persian | Tagalog / Filipino | Russian | Sanskrit | Spanish | Taino | Turkish | Vietnamese | Welsh | Other natural languages | Colour-based scripts | Tactile scripts | Phonetic/universal scripts | Constructed scripts for constructed languages | Adaptations of existing alphabets | Fictional alphabets | Magical alphabets | A-Z index | How to submit a constructed script
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