Uniscript    Uniscript

Uniscript is an alphabet created by Pangus Ho in summer 2013. It is meant to be a universal script that is capable of writing any language. It differs from IPA in that the alphabet is phonemic, not phonetic, which means that each symbol does not have an exact phonetic value, but may represent a range of allophonic sounds. This feature allows Uniscript to write a language in a way that feels natural to its native speakers.

Notable Features


In the alphabet charts below, next to each Uniscript letter, the Latin transliteration and a possible IPA value are provided on the upper right side and lower right side respectively. The actual IPA values may vary across languages.


Uniscript consonants

Note that the shape of the each unvoiced consonant is the 180-degree rotation of the corresponding voiced consonant.


Uniscript vowels

Note that the shape of the each front vowel is the 180-degree rotation of the corresponding back vowel.


Uniscript diacritics

Diacritics can be added to both consonant and vowel letters.

Punctuation marks

Uniscript punctuation marks

Unlike the Latin alphabet, a space is added both before and after a punctuation mark.

Sample texts

Below are the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) written in 19 different languages using Uniscript. Each sample text is followed by a transliteration. The original texts can be found in their respective Omniglot pages.


- Pharyngealized consonants are represented by adding a dot (diacritic <1> or <3>).
- The 28 Arabic consonants are represented as follows: <q b t T j K1 K d D r z s S s1 d3 t1 D3 G3 G f k c l m n h w y>.

Sample text in Uniscript in Arabic


yU2ladU jami2G3U anna2si qaK1ra2ran mUtasa2wi2na fi2 alcara2mati walK1UkU2k . wakad wUhibU2 G3aklan wad3ami2ran waG3alayhim qan yUG3a2mila baG3d3UhUm baG3d3an birU2K1i alqiKa2q .


- The Chinese consonants are represented as follows (in the bopomofo order): <b p m f d t n l g k K D T s j c S Z D T s>.

Sample text in Uniscript in Chinese


ZE2nZE2n SE1x E2Z DI4qiU2 , Da4i DU1nqia2n KE2 Tua2nli4 Sa4x qi2lu4 pi2xdE3x . ta1mEn fU4qiU3 li3si4x KE2 lia2xsi1n , bi4x qi1x qi3 siU1xdi4 gUa1nsi4 de Di1xSE2n KU4sia1x dUi4da4i .


Sample text in Uniscript in English


Ol hyUwmIn biyixz Ar bOrn friy and iykwIl in digniti and rayts . Dey Ar endawd wiD riyzIn and kAnSIns and SUd akt tIwOrdz wEn InEDIr in ey spirit Ev brEDIrhUd .


Sample text in Uniscript in French


tU lez e3tr ume4 ne3s libr e egO A4 diNite e A4 drUa . il sO4 dUe dE re3zO4 e dE kO4siA4s e dUavt aZir lez o4 A4ve3r lez Otr dA4z o4n e3spri dE frate3rnite .


Sample text in Uniscript in German


AlE menSEn zind frAi Und glAiK An vurdE Und reKtEn gEbO2rEn . zi2 zind mit fErnUnft Und gEvisEn bEgA2bt Und zOlEn AinAndEr im gAist de2r bru2dErliKkAit bEge2gnEn .


- The Greek letters are represented as follows: <a v G D e z i T i k l m n ks O p r s t i f K ps O>.

Sample text in Uniscript in Greek


O1li a1nTrOpi GeniU1nte ele1vTeri ke i1si stin aksiOpre1pia ke ta DikeO1mata . i1ne prikisme1ni me lOGiki1 ke sini1Disi , ke Ofi1lUn na simperife1rOnte metaksi1 tUs me pne1vma aDelfOsi1nis .


- Aspirated consonants are followed by the letter <q>.
- Nasalized vowels are followed by the letter <x>.

Sample text in Uniscript in Hindi


sAbqi2 mAnUs1yOx kO gO3rAw O3r ADqikA2rOx ke mA2mAle mex jAnmAjA2T swATAnTrATA2 O3r sAmA2nATA2 prA2pT he3 . Unhex bUDDqi O3r AnTArA2TmA2 ki2 den prA2pT he3 O3r pArAspAr Unex bqA2i2cA2re ke bqA2w se bArTA2w kArAnA2 cA2hie .


- The Hungarian letters are represented as follows: <A A2 b T c d D j e e2 f g G h i i2 y k l y m n N O O2 o o2 p r S s t K U U2 u u2 v z Z>.

Sample text in Uniscript in Hungarian


minden emberi le2N sAbAdOn suletik e2S eGenlo2 me2ltO2SA2gA e2S yOgA vAn . Az emberek , e2ssel e2S lelkiiSmerettel bi2rvA2n , eGmA2SSAl semben teStve2ri sellemben kell hOG viSelteSSenek .


Sample text in Uniscript in Indonesian


sEmUa qOrax dilahirkan mErdeka dan mEmpuNai martabat dan hak-hak yax sama . mEreka dikarUniai qakal dan hati nUrani dan hEndakNa bErgaUl satU sama lain dalam sEmaxat pErsawdaraan .


Sample text in Uniscript in Japanese


sIbete nO nixgex wa , Imarenagara ni site ziyII de ari , katI , sOxgex tO kexri tO ni tIite byOIdOI de arI . nixgex wa , risei tO ryOIsix tO O sazIkerarete Ori , tagai ni dOIhOI nO seisix O mOtte kOIdOI sinakereba naranai .


- The Korean consonants are represented as follows: <g gg n d dd l m b bb s ss x D DD T k t p h>.
- The Korean vowels are represented as follows: <A a yA ya E e yE ye O wA wa o yO U wE we u yU I wi i>.

Sample text in Uniscript in Korean


mOdIn ingAnIn taEnAl ddabUtE DAyUlOUmyE gI DOnEmgwA gwEnlie issE dOxdIxhAdA . ingAnIn TEnbUDEgIlO isExgwA yAxsimIl bUyEbAdAssImyE sElO hyExDeawi DExsinIlO haxdOxhAyEyA hAndA .


- Ejective consonants are followed by the letter <q>.
- Lateral affricates are represented by adding a line (diacritic <2> or <4>) to the letter <d> or <t>.

Sample text in Uniscript in Navajo


bilAqASdAqii tqA1A1 qArTOh yini1kqehgO bidiZci4h dO1O1 qAKeertqeegO qi1li14i14gO bee bAAKO1ci4q . qei1i1 KA1ni1q dO1O1 KA1ni1TKAkees KwiihdAAsyAq qei1i1 binAhji14q qAKidini1rnA1hgO qA1li1leekqehgO kqe1 bee qAKir niid4i14 .


Sample text in Uniscript in Persian


tamAme afrAde baSar AzAd be dOnyA miAyand va az lehAze heysiyat va hOGUG bA ham barAbarand , hame dArAye aGl va vejdAn mibASand va bAyad nesbat be yekdigar bA rUhe barAdari raftAr kOnand .


- Front and back vowel letters represent the "soft" and "hard" vowels respectively.
- The Russian letters are represented as follows: <A b v g d e o Z z i y k l m n O p r s t U f K T c S Sc q I y E u a>.

Sample text in Uniscript in Russian


vse ludi rOZdAutsa svObOdnImi i rAvnImi v svOem dOstOinstve i prAvAK . Oni nAdelenI rAzUmom i sOvestyu i dOlZnI pOstUpAty v OtnOSenii drUg drUgA v dUKe brAtstva .


Sample text in Uniscript in Spanish


tOdOs lOs seres UmAnOs nATen libres e igUAles en dignidAd i derecOs i , dOtAdOs kOmO estA1n de rATO1n i kOnTienTiA , deben kOmpOrtArse frAternAlmente lOs UnOs kOn lOs OtrOs .


Sample text in Uniscript in Swahili


wAtU wOte wAmezAliwA hUrU , hADi nA hAki zAO ni sAwA . wOte wAmejAliwA Akili nA DAmiri , hivyO yApAsA wAtendeAne kindUgU .


Sample text in Uniscript in Thai


rAw TU1g kOn gEE3D mAA yAA3x qi3DsA3rA3 , rAw TU1g kOn mii kwAAm ki1D la1 kwAAm kA4w jAy ben koo2x rAw qeex , rAw TU1g kOn kUUAn zAA4y rA1b gAAn bA3Ti3vA3D nAy TAAx ziiAw gan .


- The Turkish letters are represented as follows: <A b j c d a f g G h I i Z k l m n O o p r s S t U u v y z>.

Sample text in Uniscript in Turkish


butun insAnlAr hur , hAysiyat va hAklAr bAkImIndAn aSit dOGArlAr . AkIl va vijdAnA sAhiptirlar va birbirlarina kArSI kArdaSlik zihniyati ila hArakat atmalidirlar .


- The Welsh letters are represented as follows: <A b k K d D e v f g x h i l r m n O p f Z S s t T I U E>.

Sample text in Uniscript in Welsh


genir pAUb En SED AK En gEdrAD A2qi gilED meUn IrDAs A hAUliAI . veqI kEnEsgAeDir A2 SesUm A KEdUEbOd , A dElAi pAUb EmDUEn E nAir At E rAr meUn EsbrEd kEmOdlOn .


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)


Online Uniscript keyboard

Phrases in Uniscript

If you have any questions about Uniscript, you can contact Pangus at: pangusho[at]gmail[dot]com

Constructed scripts by Pangus Ho

Anglo-Arabic, Cáiuén, Lóngwén, Pujangga, Uniscript

Constructed scripts for: Ainu | Arabic | Chinese languages | Dutch | English | Hawaiian | Hungarian | Japanese | Korean | Lingala | Malay & Indonesian | Persian | Tagalog / Filipino | Russian | Sanskrit | Spanish | Taino | Turkish | Vietnamese | Welsh | Other natural languages | Colour-based scripts | Tactile scripts | Phonetic/universal scripts | Constructed scripts for constructed languages | Adaptations of existing alphabets | Fictional alphabets | Magical alphabets | A-Z index | How to submit a constructed script


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