Numbers in Wakhi (x̌ik zik / х̆ик зик)

How to count in Wakhi, a Pamir language spoken in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and China.

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal Ordinal
1 (y)iw iwыng, iwыm
2 bu(y) buyыng, buyыm
3 tru(y) truyыng, truyыm
4 cыbыr, cәbūr cыbыrыng, cыbыrыm
5 panʒ panʒыng, panʒыm
6 šad šadыng, šadыm
7 ыb ыbыng, ыbыm
8 at atыng, atыm
9 naw nawыng, nawыm
10 δas δasыng, δasыm
11 δas-(әt)-(y)iw  
12 δas-(әt)-buy  
13 δas-(әt)-truy  
14 δas-(әt)-cыbыr  
15 δas-(әt)-panʒ  
16 δas-(әt)-šad  
17 δas-(әt)-ыb  
18 δas-(әt)-at  
19 δas-(әt)-naw  
20 (y)i bist  
21 (y)i bist-ә(t) (y)iw  
22 (y)i bist-ә(t) buy  
23 (y)i bist-ә(t) truy  
24 (y)i bist-ә(t) cыbыr  
25 (y)i bist-ә(t) panʒ  
26 (y)i bist-ә(t) šad  
27 (y)i bist-ә(t) ыb  
28 (y)i bist-ә(t) at  
29 (y)i bist-ә(t) naw  
30 (y)i bist-ә(t) δas (20+10)  
40 bu bist (2x20)  
50 bu bist-ә(t) δas (2x20+10)  
60 tru bist (3x20)  
70 tru bist-ә(t) δas (3x20+10)  
80 cыbыr bist (4x20)  
90 cыbыr bist-ә(t) δas (4x20+10)  
100 sad, panʒ bist (5x20)  
1,000 azār  

- Т.Н. Пахалина: Ваханский язык. Издательство Академии Наук СССР. Москва 1975.
- Georg Morgenstierne: Indo-Iranian Frontier Languages. Oslo 1938.
- Расторгуева В.С., Эдельман Д.И., Мошкало В.В. Языки мира: Иранские языки. III. Восточноиранские языки. Российская Академия Наук, Институт Языкознания. Москва 2000.

Information provided by Wolfgang Kuhl

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Wakhi | Numbers

Numbers in Iranian languages

Baluchi, Dari, Gilaki, Ishkashimi, Juhuri, Kumzari, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Kurdish (Soranî), Oroshor, Ossetian, Pashto, Persian, Sanglechi, Sarikoli, Shughni, Tajik, Talysh, Wakhi, Yaghnobi

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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