How to tell the time in Afrikaans, a West Germanic language descended from Dutch and spoken mainly in South Africa and Namibia.
English | Afrikaans |
What time is it? | Hoe laat is dit? |
It's one o'clock | Dit is eenuur |
It's quarter past one | Dit is kwart oor een |
It's half past one | Dit is half twee |
It's quarter to two | Dit is kwart voor twee |
It's two o'clock | Dit is tweeuur |
It's quarter past two | Dit is kwart oor twee |
It's half past two | Dit is half drie |
It's quarter to three | Dit is kwart voor drie |
It's three o'clock | Dit is drieuur |
It's quarter past three | Dit is kwart oor drie |
It's half past three | Dit is half vier |
It's quarter to four | Dit is kwart voor vier |
It's four o'clock | Dit is vieruur |
It's quarter past four | Dit is kwart oor vier |
It's half past four | Dit is half vyf |
It's quarter to five | Dit is kwart voor vyf |
It's five o'clock | Dit is vyfuur |
It's quarter past five | Dit is kwart oor vyf |
It's half past five | Dit is half ses |
It's quarter to six | Dit is kwart voor ses |
It's six o'clock | Dit is seuur |
It's quarter past six | Dit is kwart oor ses |
It's half past six | Dit is half sewe |
It's quarter to seven | Dit is kwart voor sewe |
It's seven o'clock | Dit is seweuur |
It's quarter past seven | Dit is kwart oor sewe |
It's half past seven | Dit is half ag(t) |
It's quarter to eight | Dit is kwart voor ag(t) |
It's eight o'clock | Dit is agtuur |
It's quarter past eight | Dit is kwart oor ag(t) |
It's half past eight | Dit is half nege |
It's quarter to nine | Dit is kwart voor nege |
It's nine o'clock | Dit is negeuur |
It's quarter past nine | Dit is kwart oor nege |
It's half past nine | Dit is half tien |
It's quarter to ten | Dit is kwart voor tien |
It's ten o'clock | Dit is tienuur |
It's quarter past ten | Dit is kwart oor tien |
It's half past ten | Dit is half elf |
It's quarter to eleven | Dit is kart voor elf |
It's eleven o'clock | Dit is elfuur |
It's quarter past eleven | Dit is kwart oor elf |
It's half past eleven | Dit is half twaalf |
It's quarter to twelve | Dit is kwart voor twaalf |
It's twelve o'clock | Dit is twaalfuur |
It's quarter past twelve | Dit is kwart oor twaalf namiddag |
It's half past twelve | Dit is half een namiddag |
It's quarter to one | Dit is kwart voor een namiddag |
it's midnight | Dit is middernag |
it's midday | Dit is middag |
in the morning | In die môre / in die voormiddag |
in the afternoon | In die namiddag |
in the evening | In die aand |
NB: in Afrikaans agt is old fashioned - ag is more common
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Afrikaans | Phrases | Numbers | Family words | Time | Tower of Babel | Afrikaans courses on: and [affilate links]
Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, English, German, German (Berlinisch), Icelandic, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Norwegian, Swedish, Värmlandic
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