How to say "It's a small world" in various languages. This is an idiom you might use when you find connections between people you weren't aware of, e.g. when you discover that someone knows a person that you know, or you see a familiar face in an unexpected place.
Language | It's a small world |
Afrikaans | Die wêreld is klein |
Arabic | (al'aalam sagheer!) العالم صغير! |
Basque | Ze txikia den mundua! Hau bai mundu txikia! Ze mundu txikia! |
Belarusian | Свет цесны (Śv′et ćesny) |
Bulgarian | Светът е малък! (Svetãt e malãk!) |
Catalan | Qué petit és el món! |
Chinese (Mandarin) | 這世界真小啊! [这世界真小啊] (zhè shìjiè zhēn xiăo ā) |
Croatian | Svijet je mali! |
Czech | Svět je malý! |
Dutch | De wereld is zo klein! De wereld, mijn dorp! |
Estonian | Maailm on väike! |
Finnish | Maailma on niin pieni! Maailma on pieni! |
French | Le monde est (vraiment) petit Quel petit monde, hein ? |
German | Wie klein die Welt doch ist! Die ganze Welt ist ein Dorf! Unsere Welt ist ja so klein! |
Greek | Τί μικρός που είναι ο κόσμος! (Ti mikros pou ine o kosmos!) |
Gujarati | સંસાર કેટલુ નાનું છે! (sansaar ketlu naanu Che!) |
Hebrew | (zeh olam katan!) עברית: זה עולם קטן! |
Hindi | संसार कितना छोटा है! (sansaar kitnaa Chotaa hai!) |
Hungarian | Ez egy kis/kicsi világ! Milyen kicsi a világ! A világ kicsi! |
Italian | Il mondo è piccolo! Com'è piccolo il mondo! Tutto il mondo è paese! |
Kapampangan | Kalati na ning yatu! |
Kurdish | (donyayeeki bechuka!) دونياييکي بچوکه! |
Lithuanian | Pasaulis mažas! Koks mažas pasaulis! |
Macedonian | Светот е мал! |
Perian | (donyaye kuchaki ast!) دنياي کوچکي است! |
Polish | Świat jest mały Jaki ten świat mały! |
Portuguese | O mundo é pequeno! |
Russian | Мир тесен! (Mir tesen!) |
Serbian | Свет је мали! (Svet je mali!) |
Slovak | Svet je malý! |
Slovenian | Svet je majhen! |
Spanish | ¡Qué pequeño es el mundo! ¡El mundo es un pañuelo! |
Tagalog | Mundong maliit! Daigdig na maliit! Maliit na daigdig! Ang kaliitan ng mundo! Maliit ang daigdig! |
Turkish | Dünya küçük! |
Urdu | (duniyaa kitnii Chotii hai!) دنيا كتنى چهوٹى ہے! |
Vietnamese | Thế giới thật nhỏ bé! |
Welsh | Mae'r byd yn fach! |
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
It's all Greek to me | It's raining cats and dogs | As easy as falling off a log | A sandwich short of a picnic | It's small world | When pigs fly | Out of sight, out of mind | Crystal-clear | Penny Pinching | Practice makes perfect | The grass is always greener | As Snug as a Bug in a Rug
Czech | French | Greek | Icelandic | Lithuanian | Manx | Russian | Slovak | Spanish | Swedish | Welsh
Useful phrases | Silly phrases | Numbers | Numerals | Colours | Telling the time | Dates | Weather words | Family words | Terms of endearment | Language names | Country names | Idioms | Proverbs | Tongue twisters | Signs | Compass directions | UDHR | Tower of Babel | Songs | Omniglot | Seven dwarfs | Zodiac signs | Computer parts | Compass directions | Animal sounds
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