Numbers in Benga

Information about counting in Benga, a Bantu language spoken in southwestern Equatorial Guinea and northwestern Gabon.

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal numbers
1 eâkâ [ejɔkɔ]
2 bebale [bebale]
3 belalo [belalo]
4 benai [benaj]
5 betano [betano]
6 utoba [utoba]
7 hěmbwědi [xɛmbwɛdi]
8 loɡwambi [loɡwambi]
9 ibuwa [ibuwa]
10 jomu[dʒomu], mabo [mabo]
11 jomu na eâkâ [dʒomu na ejɔkɔ]
12 jomu na bebale [dʒomu na bebale]
13 jomu na belalo [dʒomu na belalo]
14 jomu na benai [dʒomu na benaj]
15 jomu na betano [dʒomu na betano]
16 jomu na n'utoba [dʒomu nutoba]
17 jomu na hěmbwědi[dʒomu na xɛm]
18 jomu na loɡwambi [dʒomu na loɡ]
19 jomu n'ibuwa [dʒomu nibuwa]
20 mabu mabale [mabu mabale]
21  mabu mabale na eâkâ
22  mabu mabale na bebale
23  mabu mabale na belalo
24  mabu mabale na benai
25  mabu mabale na betano
26  mabu mabale n'tuba
27  mabu mabale na hěmbwědi
28  mabu mabale na loɡwambi
29  mabu mabale n'ibuwa
30  mabu  malalo
40  mabu manai
50 mabu matano
60  mabu utoba
70  mabu hěmbwědi 
80  mabu loɡwambi
90  mabu ibuwa
100 kama pâkâ [kama pɔkɔ]
1000 tâjen pâkâ [tɔdʒen pɔkɔ]

Information about Benga | Numbers | Tower of Babel

Information about Benga numbers

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numbers in Bantu languages

Basaa, Bemba, Bena, Benga, Central Teke, Chichewa, Chokwe, Comorian, Duala, Ewondo, Fang, Gusii, Gwere, Herero, Ibinda, Kamba, Kikuyu, Kimbundu, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kongo, Kunda, Lingala, Lozi, Luba-Katanga (Kiluba), Luganda, Luvale, Makhuwa, Maore, Mbunda, Mwani, Ndebele (Northern), Ndebele (Southern), Nkore, Nyole, Nyungwe, Oshiwambo, Punu, Sengele, Shona, Soga, Sotho (Northern), Sotho (Southern), Swahili, Swati, Taita, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Umbundu, Venda, Xhosa, Yao, Zulu

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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