Kaqchikel (Kaqchikel Ch'ab'äl)

Kaqchikel or Kaqchiquel is a Mayan language spoken in the Central Highlands of Guatemala by about half a million people. It is a member of the Quichean-Mamean branch of Mayan languages and is closely related to K'iche' (Quiché) and Tz'utujil. The name of the language used to be written Cakchiquel or Cakchiquiel.

An orthography for Kaqchikel was developed by the Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala (Guatemalan Academy of Mayan Languages).

Kaqchikel alphabet and pronunciation

Kaqchikel alphabet and pronunciation

Download an Kaqchikel alphabet chart (Excel)

Sample text

Konojel ri winaqi' kan kalaxib'en pe ri kolotajïk, ri junan kiq'ij, ri junan kejqalen, junan kich'ojib'al pa kik'aslen, xa achi'el k'a ri kik'ojlen, ri kinojib'al kichajin xa tik'amun k'a chi nimaläj konojel xtikajo' ki'.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Sample text (Lord's Prayer)

Central Kaqchikel

Qatata' Dios atk'o chila' chikaj, xtibanatej ta k'a chi konojel ta ri bineq nikiya' ta aq'ij, i man ta xtikixolq'otij ri loq'olej abi'. I xtoqa' yan ta k'a ri q'ij toq ja rat ri yatoc ri qaq'atoy-Tzij. I xe ta k'a ri nabajo' rat chi niban re babe' chubech re rubach'ulek, kan xe ta ri' ri niqaben, achi'el nikiben ri ek'o abik'in chila' chikaj. I taya' k'a chuqa' ri qabay ri nik'atzin chiqe ronojel q'ij. I kan achi'el yeqakuy ri bineq ri k'o nikiben chiqe, ke ta ri' xtaben qik'in roj, xtakuy ta k'a ronojel ri man utz ta ri yeqaben chabech. I man k'a taya' q'ij chi ri itzel nuben ta chiqe chi yojtzaq pa mac. Kan qojakolo' k'a chubech. Keri' ri niqak'utuj, roma xaxe k'a rat ri atk'o pa qabi', k'o abuchuq'a', i k'o aq'ij-ak'ojlen richin jantape'. Kan ke bi ri'.

Eastern Kaqchikel

Qatata' Dios ratk'o chil'a chikaj, xtibanatüj ta k'a ke konojel ta ri binüq nkiya' ta ru ruq'ij ri loq'olüj abi'. I xtiqa-pe ya ta k'a ri q'ij toq ja rat ri nkatoc ri Jun ri nabün mandar pa qabi'. I xe ta k'a ri najo' rat ke nban chere' chubüch i ruch'ulek, xe ta ri' ri nqabün, kachi'el nkibün ri yek'o abik'in chila' chikaj. I taya' k'a chuqa' ri qabay ri nk'atzin cheqe ronojel q'ij. I kachi'el nyeqakuy ri binüq ri k'o nkibün cheqe, kiri' ta tabana' qik'in roj, takuy ta k'a ronojel ri man utz tüj ri nyeqabün chabüch. I man k'a taya' q'ij ke ri itzel nbün ta cheqe ke nqutzaq pa mac. Qojakolo' k'a chubüch. Kiri' ri nqak'utuj, roma xaxe k'a rat ri ratk'o pa qabi', k'o abuchuq'a', i k'o aq'ij richin jumul. Kiri' bi.

Southern Kaqchikel

Qatata' Dios jatk'o chila' chikaj, kan konojel ta ri winaq xtikiya' ta aq'ij, i nim ta xtiki'en che ri loq'olaj abi'. I xtoqa yan ta ri q'ij kuando ja ret xkabano gobernar. I ja' ta ri najo' ret, kan jari' ta ri xtibanataj we' chech-ulek, anche'l niki'en ri jek'o awik'in chikaj. I taya' chuqa' qaway ri nik'atzin chaqe q'ij-q'ij. I kan anche'l yeqakoch' ri winaq ri k'o kitzelal niki'en chaqe, kiri' ta xta'an ret qak'in roj, xtakoch' ta qamac ri naqa'an chawech. I man taya' lugar chi ri itzel nu'on chaqe chi jojtzaq pa mac. Kan qojakolo' chech. Kiri' ri naqak'utuj, roma xe ret ri jatk'o pa qawi', k'o awuchuq'a', i k'o nimalaj aq'ij chi ronojel tiempo.

Southwestern Kaqchikel

Qarta' Dios yatk'o chila' chikaj, kan-ta konojel re binaq nikiya' ruq'ij re abe'. I xte'qa-yan-ta re q'ij taq ja rat re xkabano gobernar. I xe-ta re najo' rat re naqaban re boba' chuch'ulek, ancha'l nikeban, re jek'o abik'in chila' chikaj. I taya' chuqa' re qabay re nik'atzin chaqa q'ij-q'ij. I kan ancha'll naqakuy kimac re binaq re k'o etzelal nikiban chaqa, kire-ta xtaban qak'in yoj, xtakuy-ta ronojel re man otz-ta re yojtajin chubanic chabach. I man taya' q'ij che re itzel nuban-ta chaqa che yojtzaq pa mac, kan qojakola' chach. Xaxe chaba rat naqak'utuj-ba re', roma ja rat re yatk'o pa qabe', k'o a-poder i k'o aq'ij chin nojel tiempo.

Western Kaqchikel

Qatata' Dios yitk'o chila' chikaj, xtibanatej ta k'a chi kinojel ta ri wineq nikiya' ta aq'ij, i man ta xtikixolq'otij ri loq'olaj abi'. I xtipe yan ta k'a ri awajawaren. I kan ya ta k'a ri nawajo' riyit ri niban re xtibanatej wawe' chuwech re ruwach'ulek, achi'el nibanantej chila' chikaj awuk'i riyit. I taya' k'a chuqa' ri qaway ri nik'atzin chaqe ronojel q'ij. I xtakuy ta k'a ronojel ri qamac ri yeqaben chawech, achi'el yeqakuy ri wineq ri k'o poqon nikiben chaqe. I man k'a taya' ta q'ij chi ri itzel nuben ta chaqe chi yojtzaq pa mac. Xa kan qojakolo' k'a chuwech. Keri' ri

Information about the Kaqchikel alphabet and sample texts provided by Michael Peter Füstumum

Sample videos

Information about Kaqchikel | Phrases | Numbers | Mayan language learning materials


Information about Kaqchikel language

Kaqchikel courses

Mayan languages

Achi, Akatek, Awakatek, Chontal Maya, Chʼol, Chorti, Chuj, Huasteco, Itzaʼ, Ixil, Jakaltek, Kaqchikel, Kʼicheʼ, Lacandon, Mam, Mochoʼ, Mopan, Poqomam, Poqomchiʼ, Qʼanjobʼal, Qʼeqchiʼ, Sakapultek, Sipakapense, Tektitek, Tojolabal, Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Tzʼutujiil, Uspantek, Yucatec Maya

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page last modified: 07.08.24


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