
Tz'utujil is a Mayan language spoken in Sololá Department south of Lake Atitlán in southwestern Guatemala. According to the 2002 census, there are 60,000 speakers. There are two dialetcs of Tz'utujil: Eastern and Western.

There is a standard orthography for the Tz'utujil developed by the Guatemalan Academy of Mayan Languages (Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala) and sanctioned by the Guatemalan government

Tz'utujil alphabet and pronunciation

Tz'utujil alphabet and pronunciation

Download an Tz'utujil alphabet chart (Excel)

Sample text (Lord's Prayer)

Eastern dialect

Qadta' Dios jatk'ola chkaj, loq' ta xtna'a abi' kmal wnaq. Tqaj pk'a agobierno wawe' chwech ruch'lew, xtbantaj ta wawe' ajni' nrajo' awanm ajni' nba'na chawa tzra' chkaj ne nkatnimax wa'. q'ij q'ij xtaya' ta qaway je nk'atzina chqa. Tekyu' qil qamak ajni' nqaban ajoj nkeqakuy je' wnaq taq nkeban je' lowlo' taq achnaq chqa. Atet ta xtkatchajina qxin y mkita xtoqqaja pruq'a' diablo, qo'at-o' pruq'a'. Jawra neqk'utuj chawa kom pnaq'a' atet k'o wa' njelal gobierno, y pnaq'a' k'o wa' njelal poder, y nok na yabal aq'ij njelal achnaq, y at kara' rxin junlik chpam je' tiemp jpenaq.

Western dialect

Qatata' Dios ja ratk'o chila' chikaj, loq' ta xtina'i ja rabi' kumal ja winaq. Xtiqajpi ta ja ragobierno wawe' chwach'ulew, xtinimax ta ja ravoluntad atat wawe' ja kani' ntajini nban chila' chikaj nnimaxi. Taya'a' chaqe ja qaway ja nk'atzin chaqe kamik. Takuyu' ja qil qamak ja kani' nqaban ajoj neqakuy ja winaq toq k'oli kibanon chaqe. Atat ta xkatchajin qaxin, maxta qoqaji toq noqrtaqchi'ij ja diablo, qo'ato'o' pa ruq'a'. Jari' nqak'utuj chawe komo pan aq'a' atat k'o wi' nojel gobierno in pan aq'a' k'o wi' nojel poder, nok na ya'bal aq'ij nojelal, in nij at kirwari' kamik, chwaq in chijutij.

Information about the Tz'utujil alphabet and sample texts provided by Michael Peter Füstumum

Sample videos


Information about Tz'utujil language

Mayan languages

Achi, Akatek, Awakatek, Chontal Maya, Ch’ol, Chorti, Chuj, Huasteco, Itzaʼ, Ixil, Jakaltek, Kaqchikel, Ki'che', Lacandon, Mam, Mocho’, Mopan, Poqomam, Poqomchiʼ, Q’anjob’al, Q'eqchi', Sakapultek, Sipakapense, Tektitek, Tojolabal, Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Tz'utujil, Uspantek, Yucatec Maya

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page last modified: 23.07.24


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