Khengkha (ཁེངས་​​ཁ་​​)

Khengkha is a member of the Eastern Bodish branch of the Tibeto-Kanauri language family. It is spoken by about 40,000 people in southern Bhutan, particularly in the Sarpang district, and also in the Mongar, Trongsa and Zhemgang districts.

Khengkha is also known as Kheng, Khenkha, Khen, Keng, Ken, Kyengkha or Kenkha. There are three dialects: Upper Kheng, Lower Kheng and Middle Kheng. It is related to Kurtöp, Nupbi, Bumthang and Dzhongkha, which are all spoken in Bhutan.

There is a way to write Khengkha with the Tibetan alphabet, however the language is rarely written.

Tibetan alphabet for Khengkha

Tibetan alphabet for Khengkha

Download an alphabet chart for Khengkha (Excel)


Sample videos

Information about Khengkha | Numbers


Information about Khengkha

Bodish (Tibeto-Kanauri) languages

Amdo Tibetan, Choni, Dzongkha, Jirel, Kagate, Khams Tibetan, Khengkha, Ladakhi, Lhowa, Sherpa, Sikkimese, Tibetan, Tshangla

Languages written with the Tibetan alphabet

Amdo Tibetan, Balti, Bokar, Chocha Ngacha, Choni, Dzongkha (Bhutanese), Jirel, Khams Tibetan, Khengkha, Ladakhi, Sikkimese, Tibetan, Sherpa, Tamang, Tshangla

Page created: 30.01.24. Last modified: 31.01.24


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