
Mono is a member of the Numic branch of the Uto-Aztecan language family. It is spoken in the Sierra Nevada mountains, the Mono Basin and the Owens Vallery in central California in the USA. In 2010 there were just 40 speakers of Mono, all of whom were elderly.

Mono has two dialects: Eastern or Owens Valley Paiute, and Western or Monachi. The Eastern dialect is spoken in the Owens Valley, and efforts are being made to keep the language alive, with informal language classes. The Western dialect is spoken in the Northfork Rancheria and Auberry, and also in the Big Sandy Rancheria and Dunlap. There are Mono language classes in the Big Sandy Rancheria, and there are 100 or so people with some knowledge of the language.

Mono is closely related to Northern Paiute, and more distantly related to Panamint, Shoshone, Comanche and other Numic languages.

Mono alphabet and pronunciation

Mono alphabet and pronunciation

Download an alphabet chart for Mono (Excel)

Sample videos in and about Mono


Information about the Mono languageèque)

Uto-Aztecan languages

Comanche, Cora, Hopi, Huarijio, Huichol, Ivilyuat / Cahuilla, Kawaiisu, Luiseño, Mayo, Mono, O'odham, Nahuatl, Nawat (Pipil), Northern Paiute, Serrano, Shoshone, Southern Paiute, Tarahumara, Tepehuán (Northern), Tepehuán (Southeastern), Tepehuán (Southwestern), Timbisha, Tongva, Yaqui

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page last modified: 23.04.21


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